list icon
  • situ gintung
  • obama, the first black man for US president
  • a visit from US secretary of state
  • the accuse of antasari azhar
  • domestic violence experienced by famous celebrity and celebrity wanna be (you know it's you, mano!)
  • legislative and presidential election
  • ambalat *the long lasting issue between Indonesia and Malaysia*
  • the death of michael jackson (june 25, 2009)
  • garuda indonesia (gia) is permited to operate over EU again.
  • terrorist bombing of j.w. marriott and ritz carlton hotels, kawasan mega kuningan, jakarta (july 17, 2009)
  • the ambush of Noordin M. Top, the suspected leader terrorist behind the latest bombing action, in Temanggung that ended up with his death (august 8, 2009)- then many doubts followed, questioning whether the dead victim is really Noordin M. Top.
  • Noordin M Top is confirmed unharmed and undead in previous ambush.
  • earthquake in jakarta, equisentrum at tasikmalaya with 7.3 richter scale (sep 2, 2009)
  • Patrick Swayze passed away due to pancreatic cancer (sep 15, 2009)
  • Earthquake in 6.5-7.6 RS happened in some provinces in Sumatera. Padang got hit the worst.
jun 23 2009 ∞
oct 13 2009 +