not mine. all credit goes to their rightful & respective owner(s).

acacia ⠀ concealed love.

adonis vernalis ⠀ sorrowful rememberances.

almond ⠀ hope.

aloe ⠀ religious superstition.

alyssum, sweet ⠀ ⠀ worth beyond beauty.

ambrosia ⠀ love returned.

apple blossom ⠀ preference.

arbor vitae ⠀ unchanging friendship.

bachelor's button ⠀ hope in love.

balsam ⠀ impatience.

begonia ⠀ deformity.

bellflower ⠀ gratitude.

belvidere, wild licorice ⠀ ⠀ i declare against you.

blue bell ⠀ i will be constant.

box ⠀ stoical indifference.

briers ⠀ envy.

burdock ⠀ touch me not.

cactus ⠀ thou leavest not.

camelia ⠀ pity.

candytuft ⠀ indifference.

canterbury bell ⠀ gratitude.

cape jessamine ⠀ ecstasy; transport.

calla lily ⠀ feminine beauty.

carnation yellow ⠀ ⠀ disdain.

cedar ⠀ i live for thee.

china aster ⠀ i will see about it.

chrysanthemum rose ⠀ i love.

cowslip ⠀ pensiveness.

cypress ⠀ mourning.

crocus ⠀ cheerfulness.

cypress & marigold ⠀ despair.

daffodil ⠀ chivalry.

dahlia ⠀ forever thine.

daisy, garden ⠀ ⠀ i partake your sentiment.

daisy, wild ⠀ ⠀ i will think of it.

dandelion ⠀ coquetry.

dead leaves ⠀ sadness.

dock ⠀ patience.

dodder ⠀ meanness.

dogwood ⠀ am i indifferent to you?

ebony ⠀ hypocrisy.

eglantine ⠀ i wound to heal.

elder ⠀ compassion.

endive ⠀ frugality.

evening primrose ⠀ inconstancy.

evergreen ⠀ poverty.

everlasting ⠀ perpetual rememberance.

fennel ⠀ strength.

filbert ⠀ reconciliation.

fir-tree ⠀ elevation.

flax ⠀ i feel your kindness.

forget-me-not ⠀ true love; remembrance.

fox-glove ⠀ insincerity.

furze ⠀ anger.

fuchsia ⠀ taste.

gentian ⠀ intrinsic worth.

geranium, ivy ⠀ ⠀ your hand for the next dance.

geranium, nutmeg ⠀ ⠀ i expect a meeting.

geranium, oak ⠀ ⠀ lady, deign to smile.

geranium, rose ⠀ ⠀ preference.

geranium, silver leaf ⠀ ⠀ recall.

gilliflower ⠀ lasting beauty.

gladiolus ⠀ ready; armed.

golden rod ⠀ encouragement.

gorse ⠀ endearing affection.

gass ⠀ utility.

harebell ⠀ grief.

hawthorn ⠀ hope.

hazel ⠀ recollection.

hartscase ⠀ think of me.

heliotrope ⠀ devotion.

henbane ⠀ blemish.

holly ⠀ foresight.

hollyhock ⠀ fruitfulness.

hollyhock, white ⠀ ⠀ female ambition.

honeysuckle ⠀ bond of love.

honeysuckle, coral ⠀ ⠀ the color of my fate.

hyacinth ⠀ jealousy.

hyacinth, blue ⠀ ⠀ constancy.

hyacinth, purple ⠀ ⠀ sorrow.

hydrangea ⠀ heartlessness.

ice plant ⠀ your looks freeze me.

iris ⠀ message.

ivy ⠀ friendship; matrimony.

jessamine, cape ⠀ ⠀ transient joy; ecstacy.

jessamine, white ⠀ ⠀ amiability.

jessamine, yellow ⠀ ⠀ grace; elegance.

jonquil ⠀ i desire a return of affection.

juniper ⠀ asylum; shelter.

justitia ⠀ perfection of loveliness.

kalmia mountain laurel ⠀ ⠀ treachery.

kannedia ⠀ mental beauty.

laburnum ⠀ pensive beauty.

lady's slipper ⠀ capricious beauty.

larch ⠀ boldness.

larkspur ⠀ fickleness.

laurel ⠀ glory.

lavender ⠀ distrust.

lettuce ⠀ cold-hearted.

lilac ⠀ first emotion of love.

lily ⠀ purity; modesty.

lily of the valley ⠀ return of happiness.

lily, day ⠀ ⠀ coquetry.

lily, water ⠀ ⠀ eloquence.

lily, yellow ⠀ ⠀ falsehood.

locust ⠀ affection beyond the grave.

love in a mist ⠀ you puzzle me.

love lies bleeding ⠀ hopeless, not heartless.

lupine ⠀ imagination.

mallow ⠀ sweetness; mildness.

maple ⠀ reserve.

marigold ⠀ cruelty.

marjoram ⠀ blushes.

marvel of peru, four o'clocks ⠀ ⠀ timidity.

mint ⠀ virtue.

mignonette ⠀ your qualities surpass your charms.

mistletoe ⠀ i surmount all difficulties.

mock orange syringa ⠀ ⠀ counterfeit.

morning glory ⠀ coquetry.

maiden's hair ⠀ discretion.

magnolia, grandiflora ⠀ ⠀ peerless and proud.

magnolia, swamp ⠀ ⠀ perserverance.

moss ⠀ maternal love.

motherwort ⠀ secret love.

mourning bride ⠀ unfortunate attachment.

mulberry, black ⠀ ⠀ i will not survive you.

mulberry, white ⠀ ⠀ wisdom.

mushroom ⠀ suspicion.

musk-plant ⠀ weakness.

myrtle ⠀ love faithful in absence.

narcissus ⠀ egotism.

nasturtium ⠀ patriotism.

nettle ⠀ cruelty; slander.

night blooming cereus ⠀ transient beauty.

nightshade ⠀ bitter truth.

oak ⠀ hospitality.

oats ⠀ music.

_oleander ⠀ ⠀ beware.

olive-branch ⠀ peace.

orange-flower ⠀ chastity.

orchis ⠀ beauty

osier ⠀ frankness.

pansy ⠀ think of me.

parsley ⠀ entertainment; feasting.

passion-flower ⠀ religious fervor; susceptibility.

pea, sweet ⠀ ⠀ departure.

peach blossom ⠀ this heart is thine.

peony ⠀ anger.

pennyroyal ⠀ flee away.

periwinkle ⠀ sweet rememberances.

petunia ⠀ less proud than they deem thee.

phlox ⠀ our souls are united.

pimpernel ⠀ change.

pink ⠀ pure affection.

pink, double red ⠀ ⠀ pure, ardent love.

pink, indian ⠀ ⠀ aversion.

pink, variegated ⠀ ⠀ refusal.

pink, white ⠀ ⠀ you are fair.

pomegranite ⠀ folly.

poppy ⠀ consolation.

primrose ⠀ inconstancy.

rhododendron ⠀ agitation.

rose, austrian ⠀ ⠀ thou art all that's lovely.

rose, bridal ⠀ ⠀ happy love.

rose, cabbage ⠀ ⠀ ambassador of love.

rose, china ⠀ ⠀ grace.

rose, damask ⠀ ⠀ freshness.

rose, jacqueminot ⠀ ⠀ mellow love.

rose, maiden's blush ⠀ ⠀ if you do love me, you will find me out.

rose, moss ⠀ ⠀ superior merit.

rose, moss rosebud ⠀ ⠀ confession of love.

apr 20 2024 ∞
apr 23 2024 +