being born into a not-so-wealthy family, she always envied the wealthy, thus making her desire for money and wealth grow. unlike most children back then, she mostly stayed inside, and didn't have much friends.

after discovering a collection of weapons belonging to her father, she was immediately fascinated and started to play around. soon enough, her fascination turned into something more dangerous as she accidentally killed someone.

never would she have thought that killing could become a job. fast forward a few years, the innocent girl who wanted to earn money for her family used her seemingly harmless face and physique to her advantage, and soon turned into a killer who would kill for money, not caring about the impacts it might have on others and always working quietly and left zero traces. living like that for a few years, killing became what she was best at.

but as they say, things don't always go how you want them to. as soon as her parents found out the reason for the large sums of money flowing into their household, they fell into an argument, resulting in her ending up killing them both out of anger and frustration. realizing what she had done- murdering her own parents- she soon ended up taking her own life with the knife that killed dozens of others. out of guilt of everything she did.

jun 29 2017 ∞
jul 4 2017 +