list icon
  • evening person
  • eats flowers
  • can read anywhere
  • this comic
  • walks fast
  • dislikes unnecessary people, places, or things
  • agnostic
  • homebody
  • intj ▸ ravenclaw ▸ type 5w6 ▸ sloan type rcoeireserved leader ▸ primary type inquisitive ▸ leader type Einstein ▸ motiv type mxxwd ▸ motiv personality trait withholding ▸ classic movie type Apocalypse Now (one of my favorite movies of all time, quite happy with this)
  • Thursday's child
  • quite picky
  • have very few friends; i only consider 4 people on earth to be friends, everyone else is either an acquaintance, associate, enemy, or just passing through
  • abnormally quiet
  • introverted; very tired and unusually weary after social situations
  • as timid as a mouse
  • diagnosed with social phobia/severe social anxiety
  • diagnosed with clinical depression
  • sometimes really would just like to stay hidden away with a book
  • tendency to drift from reality
  • failure to leave childhood behind
  • inability to get over the past
  • over-analyse everything
  • not a fan of the female of the species
  • practically falls in love with every man that makes eye contact with me
  • i tend to gravitate towards and hang around men; i either date them or they make up the majority of my friends
  • quite strong solipsistic tendencies
  • sun in cancer
  • moon in capricorn
  • virgo rising
  • 24 yrs old
  • tea (rosegarden tea, green tea, peppermint tea)
  • my life is sad because I want too many things
  • slight difficulty expressing my feelings through artistic manners
  • always waiting for the arrival of a moment
  • can't be in a relationship because I dissect everything until it turns into nothing
  • painfully mediocre
  • wanting to stand out is very capitalistic of me
  • sleep-diseased/ klinomanic
  • romanticism, expressionism, minimalism, existential nihilism
  • undergraduate in chemistry in the united states
  • reading, writing, listening to music
  • I don't trust too easily.
  • I push myself too hard some of the time.
  • I am a cynic.
  • I can never accept a compliment gracefully.
  • I come across as quite blunt in my manner of speaking.
  • I am insensitive to the feelings of others.
  • I am constantly frustrated with the inadequacies of others.
  • I am vain and conceited.
  • I expect too much of myself and other people.
  • I want the best for myself.
  • I am highly motivated to succeed.
  • I have a strong moral compass (stronger than most).
  • I can negotiate myself into and out of any situation.
  • I speak concisely.
  • I am fully independent.
  • I am honest.
  • I see things for what they really are.
  • I am decisive.
  • I am a hard worker.
  • I am a fast learner.
  • I make decisions with my head, not my heart.
  • I have an astonishing memory.
  • I am logical.
  • I am a good judge of character.
  • I am loyal to the end.
  • I'm always anxious & I panic way too easily
  • I procrastinate too much. Usually in an attempt to avoid things that panic me
  • I have trouble switching "modes" and switching between activities
  • I stop talking. Completely. For extended periods of time. I mean wtf?
  • I argue or rant about stuff that happened a long time ago (not aloud, in my head)
  • I lie about stupid stuff
  • I'm socially retarded. I don't get jokes & I say inappropriate things.
  • I'm disorganized
  • I get really worried and stressed about random things that occur to me
  • I joke about things that really bother me
jan 3 2014 ∞
jul 1 2014 +