list icon
  • work on my French (reading books/magazines, watching movies & TV ( working on it now ) x x x x
  • become at least somewhat fluent in French
  • work on my Spanish (reading books/magazines, watching movies & TV)
  • become at least somewhat fluent in Spanish
  • learn Portuguese ( working on it now )
  • forty minutes of stretching
  • drink water tous les temps
  • stretch when you wake up
  • brush teeth twice a day for two minutes, and replace the brush every month
  • take drink bottle to class
  • drink a glass of milk every day (or equivalent)
  • go for walks
  • don't have the shower or bath too hot; it dries out the skin and prematurely ages it (add olive oil to baths to further prevent this)
  • sleep earlier
  • eat half portions
  • make art and beauty
  • exfoliate and moisturize
  • sleep on my back more
  • learn Italian
  • learn German
  • write more x x
  • study better x x
  • ☒ take up working out regularly and actually stick to it
  • start hanging around people with depth, emotions, and with a strong strong mind, an interesting and curious mind. someone who thinks of all things. consequences, causes, all things. someone that analyses and learns from mistakes, but knows when to hold back from the things that hurt or destroy them. "curiosity killed the cat" they say. i protect myself ultimately, because it is the perfection that does me good that i want to attain, no longer will it be the kind of perfection that destroys me.
  • no longer shall i let things happen to me or come to me. i shall go to what i want and take it. i'll never get it if i just sit back and raise my hand thinking i'll have it. go up and fucking take it. snatch it if there's a need to. because at the end of the day, no one else cares about me other than me. i protect, defend, and fight for myself. and i deserve and will have the best.
jan 4 2014 ∞
feb 23 2014 +