• hwang hyunjin.
    • the smell of coffee, lavanda.
    • observe my cats sleeping.
    • the sky, moon, constelations.
    • take pictures of the sky.
    • butterfly.
    • spend the morning at home organizing my things and listening to music.
    • sleeping with the sound of rain.
    • drawing and painting.
    • milkshake milky moo.
    • watch vlogs cafe.
    • take pictures of the sky.
    • write letters.
mar 28 2022 ∞
may 29 2024 +

No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive.

carla isabelle —— she/her, brazil, 27.

social medias:

  • twitter · spotify · tumblr
  • languages: português, english.
  • pinterest · tvshow · instagram · letterboxd

┊ enjoys going to concerts, traveling to the countryside, spending quiet nights alone, dancing while listening to music, reading books, baking, falling in love with new things and creating ethereal scenarios on her head.

mar 28 2022 ∞
may 29 2024 +
    • procrastinar.
    • esquecer de beber água.
    • me fechar e não falar com ninguém por dias.
    • não se alimentar.
    • começar algo e abandonar logo em seguida.
    • se desesperar quando algo dá errado.
    • se trancar no quarto o dia inteiro.
    • tentar mudar alguns aspectos sobre mim só para tentar se encaixar/agradar outras pessoas.
mar 29 2022 ∞
mar 29 2022 +
    • sou mais introvertida do que tímida.
    • filmes, músicas e livros me trazem um conforto enorme.
    • socializar pode variar no local (e se estou sob efeitos especiais).
    • penso mais do que expresso.
    • demoro a responder mensagens no whatsapp.
mar 29 2022 ∞
may 29 2024 +
    • 31/08/2023 (FN)
    • 14/01/2024
    • 09/03/2024
    • 09/05/2024
mar 28 2022 ∞
may 29 2024 +
    • stay the night away
    • die my hair in a different color from the natural
    • travel alone
    • learn three languages
    • own a place to call mine
    • sing in a karaoke
    • rescue a street animal
    • make a tattoo
    • be ask to go on a date
    • go on a roadtrip with someone special
mar 29 2022 ∞
mar 13 2023 +