• I consider myself chill and laid-back, even though I have a low tolerance for bullshit and having a snappy temper.
  • Am blunt. People either love or hate that about me. Have been told to not be so mean and to watch my words. But most of the time, I don't remember what I said to them and that frustrates me a lot as it's been the cause of some conflicts amongst friends.
  • I prefer talking to people rather than texting them. It's a chore to text tbh. Social media is an exception cause I'm almost always on my computer.
  • Even though I'm already in my twenties, I don't feel like I'm an adult. Partly because I'm still studying and not working like what an 'adult' should do by now.
  • I can get detached from any emotions with frightening ease. If I ever need to NOT care about anything at all, I just do it.
  • Hates being labelled as a 'geek', even though I totally am one.
  • I like learning about a lot of things. I just dont have the attention capacity to learn in-depth about all of them.
  • Whenever I get excited or talking about something I'm interested in, the volume of my voice goes up and I dont notice it until the person I'm talking with tells me to quiet down. I hate that.
  • I know crying isn't a sign of weakness and we should all let it out whenever we're sad, but I hate crying in public. I don't like showing people that I'm vulnerable, and will only let it out in private. Confiding in someone is also something I prefer not to do just because I dont wanna bother the person with my problems and tears and snot. Like eww no.
  • I kinda refer to myself as a Jack-of-all-trades cause I have done so much stuff now like designing, programming, drawing, and what not, but I'm not highly talented in one of em'.
  • My bedroom has a shrine (actually a showcase) that stores all my Soshi/T-ara/Love Live Seiyuus merchandises. I also have a standee of Jessica named Cardboard Jessica who is a guardian of my bedroom.
  • My bed is a waterbed. Friends who comes over to my house for the first time loves it so much, it can have its own fanbase.
  • I hate cucumbers and raw tomatoes.
  • I have a fondness for jackets and hoodies. I love buying them so much to the point where my mom facepalms everytime I see one that I like whenever we go clothes shopping.
  • I think I stopped growing in height after I reached 16 years old.
  • My best friend and I are already 8 years into our friendship. If I had to tell my childhood self about that, they'd wouldn't believe me.
  • I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people.
  • I'm Spongebob meme trash.
jul 30 2016 ∞
feb 6 2017 +