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+ I’m a soon-to-be 22 y/o voting member of society.
+ I’m not a big deal. At all.
+ I have beautiful friends. You should be one.
+ I’m hilarious and cute, I think.
+ I will risk catching a cold sometimes just to look pretty.
+ I like to think up witty words and file them into the bottomless pit of my brain to remember later.
+ I’m not all that interesting, and neither am I fishing for a co...

listography TERMS
  • when i read the section on digestion and they talked about anaphylactic shock, i thought of you.
  • you have no idea how badly you scared me that first night! i looked at your bed and all i saw was this tiny little lump under the covers. i thought you had suffocated or something!
  • i'm gonna start keeping a tally on all the guys who ask you out and how many you reject. i'm pretty sure it's up to 10 and 9.
  • hubby dearest just texted you!
  • "pg" is here, i think he's looking for you.
  • sooo... when is "s" going to ask you out... AGAIN?
  • is that your excuse for everything? "it's because i'm hot"?
    • (she means when a guy is nice to her, i always say it's because she's hot. not me. i'm not that full of myself.)
  • oh, charisse lyn. you're the sunshine in my day!
  • do you notice how i'm writing my lab report now and asking you all these computer questions before you leave? *huge smile*
feb 14 2009 ∞
mar 29 2009 +