• Blue Gap sweater that I got for Hannukah in second grade. I was very depressed about that for a while, especially when in 6th grade I bought a sweater, at the Gap, that was indeed similar but not entirely up to par.
  • Black Harry Potter zip up sweatshirt, which was essentially losing like 40$ but I never really thought of it that way, probably because money didn't really mean as much to me as it does now, I guess. I lost that in PE and forgot to look for it for awhile, and by the time I did it was pretty much too late. But as opposed to the Gap sweater, which probably is a lot nicer in retrospect then it actually was then, it was probably better that I lost my nerdy jacket before I hit high school or else I might have been tempted to wear it.
  • Lost (and Found) in the Lost and Found at school was my 8th grade graduation jacket, which I had to go back to school (after I had graduated and summer was out) to find. Luckily I was able to go under the pretense of delivering cupcakes to my teachers. What a sweet kid.
  • My stuffed animal's (fondly known as Bunny Bear) bunny ears. Technically without them I really should just call him Bear, but that's not half as original, is it?
  • My gray (idealized cashmere) sweater from H&M that I wore the last day of school/first day of summer break after 8th grade and them promptly lost (at Vicky's house, I swear.) She, however, also swears that she looked. One of us is lying, and it's not me. Anyway, this loss bothered my mother so much that she refused to by me a replacement and I was cardigan-less for a very long time. Which is a crime.
  • (Again at Vicky's... gosh, what a black hole) A simple white GAP camisole that wouldn't have been that bad if only I hadn't lost the nicer of the two.
  • That slip of paper that my bank account number was written on. I still can't find it. Which is bad, if you think about it. Very bad.
  • The One Hundreth Thing About Caroline from my school library. I'm very bad with library books, which is ironic because my mom is in fact a librarian, and so really the books shouldn't even leave the house because she can return them for me but even so they just disappear... anyway, I scoured my house for this book and visited like 3 public libraries in which I could have possibly returned it, but I never did find it. And I had to pay Mrs. Levy with my own money. Which was kind of harsh (and really didn't even teach me a lesson...) and after that I was convinced that she harbored a grudge on me, but really, she was just kind of a bag.
  • This doesn't really count, but as long as we're on the subject of lost books, I lent Alicia my copy of I Capture The Castle, which I utterly adore and was given by my cousin, and she never gave it back. I chalked it up to losing it whenever my parents questioned me, but really... she still has it. I swear, if I weren't such a nice person/chicken, I would ask for it back. But I am. Darn.
  • 15$ at Coffee House. Ugh. Don't even get me started on this one. I swear. adfasjkldskljasdljkads. Yeah. adjadsjkadsjlkads.
  • Ok, this one isn't on me. (for once! woo!) Anyway, I had this pair of incredibly soft velvet like pants that were probably hideous but that were a hand me down from Maia that my mom sold to a kid's consignment shop WITHOUT MY CONSENT. YEAH. Anyway, we went back and tried to find them. But failed. It was traumatizing. (But not really as traumatizing as I am realizing that Gap sweater to be, because seriously, that was the first thing I thought of. My second grade self must really be harboring some emotional feelings about that sweater.)
  • My Hamlet script. Yes, from nerd camp. Suck mah dick. It was held together with purple duct tape and pretty badly messed up and had some great memories (and probably some loser kid's phone number. score.) And it was in my desk drawer until one day, it wasn't. Hmm.
mar 8 2010 ∞
jul 2 2012 +