- a: across the universe - the beatles
- b: british slang
- c: christian bale
- d: departure of summer (winter is coming, hallelujah)
- e: the emmys (and watching award shows with my mom)
- f: frank sinatra is a bamf
- g: groff scenes are better
- h: have yourself a merry little christmas
- i: italian boatneck shirts (finally)
- j: joseph gordon levitt - i don't want to live on the moon (again, 2 for the price of one)
- k: the kinks
- l: love always remains - mgmt
- m: music festivals
- n: no more braces
- o: old movies
- p: psych (first season + baby james roday = my life) / 4th season psych finale because it was so perfect (take two deal with it)
- q: QUOTE: "skinny minny blondie boobie girly girls like slaggy lindsay?" - angus, thongs, and perfect snogging
- r: robbie wadge
- s: steve madden boots
- t: twilight read by alex (wow ok it's really alex reads twilight but i pride myself on my alphabetical lists so deal)
- u: underwear (cute underwear? ... i don't know, leave me alone)
- v: vanwyngarden, andrew
- w: "what's your damage heather?"
- x: xciting nights in (i'm always desperate with this letter... whatever, daisy and i know how to party it up)
- y: young paul mccartney/ the beatles (stuart sutcliffe HELLO)
- z: zac posen dresses are the only dresses that fit christina hendricks... hm wonder why
sep 5 2010 ∞
sep 5 2010 +