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A realistic dreamer; head in the clouds, feet firmly on the ground. Hesitant, indecisive and somewhat awkward; maybe it is time to let go and soar, seek my dreams. Heart entwines the performing and creative arts: acting, voice over, writing, singing. Would love to pour the fondness of these arts into the hearts of children. Eco-friendly and health enthusiast with a general thirst for knowledge...

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  • Voice over is my passion. I've taken voice over classes with various instructors in LA and Orange County. Career wise, I would love to be in the entertainment industry doing voice over for, more than anything, Disney and Pixar films. Commercial acting and cameos in tv/film would be nice too!
  • I minored in theatre at UCR. Since then I've done theatre and musical productions all over the Inland Empire. As an extra, I've been seen in the TV series "American Dreams", "The OC", and "Gilmore Girls". I really enjoy performing and hope to do it professionally!
  • I'm a listographer: planner and organizer. I feel most comfortable when I have a plan written out and have the satisfaction to cross it out when its complete. I continually make and prioritize "to do" lists and itineraries. For example, my inlaws came to visit for a month and I created a very thorough Vacation Itinerary separated into categories, with a details column listing various information like website and fees.
  • I write, or rather, type, in a journal. I've been writing off and on in journals since I was in elementary school.
  • I'm a very detailed oriented person.
  • I have a 101 in 1001 goal list; 101 things I aim to do in 1001 days, information regarding the idea found here I began it in September 2008. I decided to create one due to my number 3 tendencies and there are so many things I want to accomplish and experience!
  • Pandas are my favorite animal. In 3rd grade one library day, checking out our required non-fiction book, my best friend, Linda, grabbed one on her favorite animal, koalas, I scanned and decided "pandas are cute too!" and so it was then decided. I recently realized I probably have never seen a panda in person.
  • I love reading adventure and fantasy novels written for young adults (disliking the teen romance centered ones) - more often than not, with girls as main characters aged 12-15ish. I get in rotations where I either read a lot of books over a short period of time, or not read books for months.
  • When reading, I always like to have a pencil handy since I tend to write notes in the margins - most of my books have them. When reading borrowed books, I definitely read faster because I am not able to stop and write my margin thoughts.
  • I'm somewhat antagonistic, and I'm not really sure why. I've come to scuffles with a handful of my friends who don't totally understand me yet because of this. It really disheartens me though because I feel really badly and get upset with myself when I've accidentally offended someone.
  • I grew, cut, and donated my hair to Locks of Love twice and Pantene's Beautiful Lengths once just recently (March 28th 2009).
  • My dad likes to mention my natural golf swing ability I had when I was 9 years old. Unfortunately, I never had a drive (no pun intended) for the game and am sure I have long lost it. However, I do like tennis and played for my high school team.
  • Arizona Green Tea is my favorite drink. I usually have it in the house at all times. I like teas in general, iced and hot.
  • Marc and I form a music duo group, we're Aural Wave. I usually write the lyrics, help arrange, Marc composes and does the instrumentation - thus filling in each others weak points. We both sing and have a few originals completed ^^.
  • Some people think I'm pretty Asian; more specifically Japanese.
  • I like anime, although not a hard core "otaku", and have gone to Anime Expo every year since 2001.
  • I papercut my left eye when I was in 4th grade and believe that damage deteriorated my eye's strength, thus, since 8th grade I've had to wear a corrective lens (contact) for only that eye.
  • I've been to Australia twice (a place I never would have imagined going); the first time coming home engaged. I was proposed to in the Sydney Centre-point Tower, overlooking Sydney during sunset! Very Romantic. *^^*
  • I graduated early with honors with a Bachelors in Art - my concentration in photography. Now I don't even own a working digital camera!
  • I work at my Alma mater: UC. My title is: academic resource specialist. I work in the Computing and Communications Department for the Faculty Technology Support group. I've been working there since Feb. 2005. And I really like, and am grateful for, my job :).
  • Naturally, I'm a very anxious person, over-analyzing and continually contemplating. This makes me indecisive and more often than not, needlessly stressed out. I need to learn how to take it easy, if that's possible.
  • Disneyland is a favorite place of mine. It brings about fond memories. When Marc first visited, we went to Disneyland, then went there for every subsequent trip, we spent our honeymoon there, and when his family came recently, we went three times. We have the So Cal Select Annual Pass and it is soooo worth it!
  • I'm a night owl, going to bed in the wee morning hours most of the time. I don't usually get up too early (unlike when in high school and I rose at 5:30am daily). However, I feel so much better about the day if I get an early start - the first push out of bed is just the hardest. I usually set my alarm an hour early.
  • My Mom, who was everything to me, passed away in June 2005 losing her battle to cancer, incidentally my 21st year, also the year I graduated college.
  • My husband is my world. He moved from Australia to be with me. We were engaged in June 2006, went through mounds of immigration paperwork and headaches, and married Oct. 16th, 2007 (my Mom's birthday). We've now been married over a year but I must insist we are still newly weds!
feb 8 2009 ∞
feb 2 2012 +