⇾ fall 2014 || 15
- linguistics 1: introduction to study of language
- anthropology 33: culture and communication
- astronomy 3: the nature of the universe
⇾ winter 2015 || 15
- linguistics 20: introduction to linguistic analysis
- philosophy 31: symbolic logic
- ethnomusicology 50a: jazz in american culture
⇾ spring 2015 || 10
- linguistics 103: introduction to general phonetics
- korean m60: introduction to korean religions
⇾ summer 2015 || 5
- communications 12 [comm. college]
⇾ fall 2015 || 15
- linguistics 104: experimental phonetics
- film m50: introduction to visual culture
- korean 4: intermediate modern korean
⇾ winter 2016 || 14
- linguistics 120a: phonology i
- earth, planetary, & space sciences 9: solar system & planets
- korean 5: intermediate modern korean
⇾ spring 2016 || 15
- linguistics 120b: syntax i
- philosophy 7: intro to philosophy of mind
- korean 6: intermediate modern korean
⇾ summer 2016 || 9
- philosophy 172: philosophy of language & communication
- music history 12w: writing about music
⇾ fall 2016 || 24
- plin3103: advanced phonological theory
- basc2093: environmental sociology
- basc2003: making value judgments: qualitative thinking
- hart1601: 19th & 20th century art in london collections
⇾ winter 2017 || 15
- linguistics 120c: semantics
- linguistics 130: language development
- law (undergraduate) 98t: first amendment - big thinkers and controversial speakers
⇾ spring 2017 || 14
- linguistics 132: language processing
- linguistics 165b: syntax ii
- korea 184b: women in history - modern korea
⇾ summer 2017 || 17
- management 180: managing the entertainment & media enterprise
- management 180: film & television marketing & management
- linguistics 170: language & society - intro to sociolinguistics
- anthropology 7: human evolution
⇾ fall 2017 || 14
- linguistics 127: syntactic typology & universals
- linguistics c135: neurolinguistics
- political science 195ce: community & corporate internships in political science
TOTAL, incl. AP = 206
sep 29 2015 ∞
oct 7 2017 +