• (...) mark and jaemin are ex-lovers who are forced to participate in a school wide couple competition game.
  • (...) in which a nitwit’s phone syncs with a sore loser’s laptop, giving the latter access to some very private photos and leading both to twelve unexpected hours filled with blackmailing, dog facts, a trip to home depot, and an intricate revenge prank.
  • (...) in which the school’s pretty boy na jaemin asks sweet, golden boy mark lee to be his fake boyfriend.
  • (...) in which mark’s a enigmatic soundcloud rapper whose reputation contrasts his true personality & jaemin’s the sweet pink-haired boy who sits next to him in their 8 a.m. that wants to solve the mystery that is mark lee.
  • (...) where mark returns to his hometown after a nasty breakup and discovers that his old highschool classmate, na jaemin, has grown into an extremely hot surfer.
  • (...) where mark is a single dad and a famous rapper. jaemin is a struggling poet who needs a job to make ends meet. the solution: become a nanny and try not to fall in love.
  • (...) what will happen when mark lee, a boy who has been quite happily getting by under the radar, is suddenly getting all this attention? and it’s all due to na jaemin.


  • (...) childhood bestfriends who are forced to deal with feelings that have been overlooked for years when a new sunkissed boy moves into town!


  • (...) where chenle’s life mission is to make jaemin, the softest and most patient person, mad.


  • (...) where the trio are the most popular bad boys on campus, desired by boys and girls alike. too bad no one on campus realizes they've been dating each other for three years and prefer cuddling over fighting.


  • (...) in which donghyuck’s tired of his members not showing him any affection unless he initiates it first so he decides to take a short break, oblivious of the complete and utter chaos that will ensue.


  • (...) dreaming in reality: SM has overworked mark to the point that he imagined up NCT DREAM and they don’t actually exist. mark falls in love with the 6 boys knowing they loved him back.

GEN + side ships

  • (...) dreamies college au where donghyuck steals renjun's plant, stanley, and renjun tries to get it back.
  • (...) dreamies AU! where someone changed all the names on renjun’s contacts to harry potter characters, and he’s just trying to find out who’s who.
mar 21 2019 ∞
mar 31 2020 +