in no particular order —

  • (...) jeno and donghyuck dated for years before jeno ended things when they got to college. now, donghyuck runs an anonymous popular radio station that all of jeno’s friends are obsessed with. soon, jeno becomes just as obsessed and develops a crush on the host.
  • (...) donghyuck likes to read tarot cards and he does to all his friends but jeno, who doesn’t believe it. then, jeno loses a bet and donghyuck gets a love card on his reading.
  • (...) where they ('00 line) are roommates. the catch is? all of them are aliens from different planets and they try to act their own version of what they think “human” is to keep their identities safe.
  • (...) jeno and donghyuck are enemies. determined to annoy him to the fullest, donghyuck spams jeno’s number, causing him to block donghyuck. undeterred, donghyuck uses jeno’s number as a rant space. what happens when jeno unblocks him — or didn't really block him in the first place?
  • (...) where famous pianist! donghyuck ends up stranded in an airport for three nights over christmas, but luckily for him... café worker! jeno won’t let the boy spend the holiday alone — and somewhere between card games and too many cookies, a new love blooms.
  • (...) where the boy next door decides to solve all of jeno’s boy problems through the power of magic and a corgi named sunshine.
  • (...) donghyuck and jeno are bffs who accidentally share a half-drunken kiss at a party. as dumb teenage boys, they decide the best way to deal with this is by pretending nothing happened.

+ M O R E

in no particular order —

  • (...) in which no one believes in vampires anymore except for lee donghyuck. brought up by a protective and superstitious family, he was taught to eat lots of food containing garlic just to avoid them, not knowing he’s doing the exact opposite.
  • (...) donghyuck is 50 cents short for him to be able to dry his clothes so he comes up to his schoolmate, lee jeno, who was famous for being cold, eyes widening as he accidentally unplug jeno's earphones certainly not expecting power up by red velvet to blast from jeno's phone.
  • (...) where donghyuck rants his feelings about renjun to jeno, the guy who's been secretly in love with him for years but what if jeno gets fed up from their situation?
mar 21 2019 ∞
mar 19 2020 +