in no particular order —

  • (...) where baker’s son! jeno and art student! renjun have a late night encounter when jeno forgets to pay his water bill and decides to make a mess at 2 in the morning.
  • (...) in which jeno & renjun are internet friends for over a couple of years and jeno’s been pestering renjun to upload a selfie of himself but... renjun’s insecure about his heterochromia.
  • (...) jeno has been asking for a cat for 3 years. renjun, his best friend, finally decides to give him a cat for his birthday. things change.
  • (...) where jeno can’t paint, but is taking an art class. renjun’s a freelance artist that does commission. jeno needs a painting done for class and contacts renjun through twitter, despite not knowing him.

+ M O R E

in no particular order —

  • (...) where jeno is the star pitcher of his high school’s baseball team. he goes to a major league game w/ friends & he sits next to a mysterious boy that he’s never met before. he sees the boy again, but this time, he’s on the rival school’s baseball team... as the water boy.
  • (...) where jeno works as a zombie at a theme park and accidentally gets punched in the face by some blonde boy. as much as jeno wants to forget about it, it’s kinda hard to when said blonde boy is also the new kid in school.
mar 21 2019 ∞
apr 1 2019 +