in no particular order —

  • (...) "we keep bickering so our friends made us bet to see who can last the longest without insulting the other... and wow, i just realised you’re a lot cuter when you’re not strangling me.”
  • (...) where in desperate need of a date for his brother’s wedding, renjun downloads the app “professional hand holder” to hire a date... but little does he know, the app paired him up with another boy in need, instead of a professional... and now they’re both annoyed.
  • (...) where renjun texts donghyuck from the future, telling him not to fall for him.
  • (...) renjun and donghyuck's relationship was perfect — or so everyone thought. out of nowhere the two seperated, refusing to talk about why they broke up. a year later and they hate each other... or do they?
  • (...) where bad boy! lee donghyuck gets paired up with the popular! huang renjun to raise a fake baby. after a whole lot of bickering, flirting and parenting, what happens when the two are forced to compromise to get the grades they want???

+ M O R E

in no particular order —

  • (...) where renjun is a conspiracy theorist trying to deduct unsolved theories and cases about aliens and donghyuck is his sidekick, who is an alien.
  • (...) where the two most confident gays in school finally learn what it feels like to gay panic (all thanks to a transfer student, the quiet boy in the back of the class, and red velvet tickets).
  • (...) where renjun decides to run for class president because he'd rather hell freeze over than let donghyuck be in charge.
mar 21 2019 ∞
mar 19 2020 +