in no particular order —

  • (...) where they ('00 line) are roommates. the catch is? all of them are aliens from different planets and they try to act their own version of what they think “human” is to keep their identities safe.
  • (...) in which jaemin, the top student in SMHS releases a “recipe to nana’s heart” and everyone tries to follow it. except renjun, the shy boy who just wants his math notes back.
  • (...) jaemin has a secret that keeps him up at night, so he goes to his #1 comfort source at ungodly hours: renjun.

+ M O R E

in no particular order —

  • (...) best friends renjun and chenle stan the popular models/dancers jeno and jisung, but the way their fates intertwine happen in complete opposite ways.
  • (...) where renjun is a hardcore tsundere who only seems to insult his boyfriend, the precious na jaemin. what jaemin doesn't know (or does he?) is that renjun is actually his biggest admirer.
  • (...) renjun is not your typical fansite frontliner, and jaemin, his idol and superstar on the rise, soon notices that.
  • (...) renjun’s the new transfer student that has the ability to see spirits and whom jaemin might need.
mar 21 2019 ∞
apr 25 2019 +