Hi! You can call me Harley or Chiaki (if we share a canon then you can call me my name from that) or the name of the shift I am in! This is just some general information about me

I'm 19 (12/30/98)

Demigirl (any pronouns work but most use fem)

Psychology Major

Polysexual (not polyamorous)

Slytherin & Horned Serpent

I have a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie mix) named Navi

I also have a crested gecko named Newt

⚠️ I have been professionally dxd with a learning disability, a severe disorder causing an emotional disability and a mental illness (dm for details I don't mind telling people them I'm perfectly open but don't want it written in a place for random people can see)

Once you've read everything dm me a picture of one of my kin or send me the phrase "Expecto Patronum"

apr 7 2017 ∞
oct 18 2018 +