campy, she/umb/star
appearance & personality
- campy is an antique wooden-bodied camera with a rich brown color that's used for wet-plate panoramic photographs. she is always accompanied by a few curved glass plates, a dropper filled with water and a cleaning cloth when put inside a bag.
- she is often described as a graceful; prim, adventurous, and social yet enigmatic device.
- campy is one of the many items that can be bought in-game.
- campy is sold for 150 coins in the button competition floor in the storage room on the middle of the rack, but only after a player manages to open the closed door and find umber.
- when bought, the player can take panoramas of anything. though it has a cooldown that lasts for a minute. when interacted with after taking a panoramic photograph, it cues the cooldown animation; the player will begin by grabbing a glass plate from their pocket, then followed by the player removing the back, opening the hood, placing the plate in and lastly, closing the hood back carefully in haste.
- she was traded to cali in exchange for one of his vintage relics, the nevco wood cutting board that is adorned with a charming trout fishing theme that originates from yugoslavia. star was also repaired and restored by cali as the previous owner greatly damaged her lens.
apr 8 2024 ∞
may 31 2024 +