- ✔ Give James back his keys (he left them in my car after we went sledding)
- ✔ Give James his Christmas present (I forgot to bring it with me when I went to his house)
- ✔ Do the laundry (I got back from school on the 21st, did not really unpack, and have been leaving my dirty clothes everywhere)
- ✔ Watch Skins (I love this tv show)
- ✔ Scrapbook (I'm still working on this one I started over the summer. I'm not very good yet, but I guess that will come with practice)
- ✔ Resume (I'm trying to get a summer job that I can do while taking courses at school. I may just end up doing the job I have now... calling alumni and asking for donations to my school
- ✔ Figure out New Year's Eve plans (I don't know what I'm doing, hopefully I'll be sp...
dec 29 2008 ∞
jan 7 2009 +