• plots

% we met on the train on our first year, now we're inseperable like we study together and we sit together during meals despite our houses. (we don't have to be in the same house!)

% we unforunately got paired for potions, and i say unfortunately because we're both terrible at it and somehow we've been winging it.

& i'm kind of being loud in the library because that's just who i am, you're trying to study for a test coming up and you get really annoyed. you confront me and i get really apologetic and offer you treats everytime we meet now!

& we kind of love to prank each other and we send howlers to each other during meals with the most absurd messages, annoying everyone in the hall.

% you're so used to me falling down and tripping everywhere that you just keep a first aid kit in our room, one day i come back to our room, looking like i lost a fight with the shrubs. [established relationship - roommate]

  • established relationships

% roommates

% hometown friend

may 21 2017 ∞
nov 15 2018 +