some guidelines in case ur interested in my characters or using my art or something like that

  • you can use my art as pfp or anything similar with proper credit!
  • please don't repost art of my original characters, it's fine if you do it with fanart but credit me properly.
  • you can make video edits and whatnot with any of my art with credit ^^
  • however, i don't want anyone to modify my art. this means recoloring it, altering its lineart for whatever reason or anything like that. removing backgrounds/making transparents, adding filters and those things r fine because they dont straight up change the drawing.
  • also please don't trace my art thank u
  • feel free to use my art/characters as inspiration as much as u want! credit is appreciated if you take heavy inspiration though!
  • please Do Not say weird and/or sexual things about my characters i promise you nobody wants to know and it makes me very uncomfortable.
  • there are some Thorns characters that are meant to be bad people and disliked, if i've said this about a character then you're not supposed to like them. if you do ur gonna look like a freak when they do what makes them bad people in the comic, have fun.
  • some of my ocs, especially thorns's main 3 (luka, oliver and susan) are very important to me. i'd appreciate it if you didn't reduce them to memes or whatever
  • you can ship thorns characters, even if the pairing isn't canon (except for shipping luka/oliver w anyone besides eachother idk why u would do that) but if you involve them in any proshipper bullshit i will eviscerate u god bless
dec 12 2023 ∞
dec 12 2023 +