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I may even take some of these listed items to an extreme, pious disliking. Bear with me if I preach.

  • Celebrity gossip - why invest in something you have no control over? WHO CARES?! They are not your friends, family or even acquaintances. Live your own life and stop ogling the kids at the popular table.
  • Reality TV - biggest hates: Real Housewives of Orange County (these women infuriate me); Bad Girls Club (dis.gus.ting.); and basically most programs on MTV
  • Radical Political Views - of either/any side. Perhaps 'radical' isn't the right word. What I am immediately turned off by is any person prattling on and trying to argue/convince me of some belief they have as if my mere existence prompts an excuse for heated debate. I will often feign an opposing side just to irritate this person.
  • Leagues - as in 'she's out of my league'. This is closely related to the Hotness Scale that people use to classify other human beings. Just stop. Labeling and pigeon-holing people limits every one.
  • Materialism - it has cluttered my house and cost me money.
  • Money - it stresses me out and I hate that.
  • Racist People - it's not funny that you're ignorant.
  • Wannabes - most notably, I remember in high school that these were the kids who made weird things in art class just to be weird because they thought that equaled artistic. Today it could probably apply to me 'caring about the environment' but only recycling about 1/4 of the waste I could, or how I called myself a 'hippie' but hate pot, drive an SUV and hate getting in trouble. I guess, as a general rule, people who exist as what and when others tell them to.
  • Vicious People - these people make fun of people they don't know, they make fun of their friends, they are cruel and unpredictable. They terrify me because they can't be trusted.
  • Quiche - it's disgusting.
may 23 2009 ∞
jul 11 2009 +