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  • The Clothes There are always items in my closet that still have the tags on them. I can't stop buying clothes. You should know I don't even remotely have the money to do this, but every time a 'worthy event' comes along, I feel like I should be ripping tags off new purchases when getting ready. Disgusting.
  • The Munchies If I haven't eaten in 30 minutes, there's a good chance I want to eat again. Case in point: I just stuffed my purse with candy and junk food from the Club, 'just in case' I get hungry on the way home. Or right now...
  • The Guilt I constantly replay bad things I've done over in my head (this doesn't count things like The Munchies). It's very unhealthy. I've already seen someone about it.
  • The Foot in Mouth Pretty self-explanatory. This includes verbal conversations, comments, text messages, journal entries, Facebook posts and pictures, and it has symbolically crossed over into realms of all sorts: life decisions, wardrobe choices, behavior choices, friendship choices...
jul 11 2009 ∞
jul 11 2009 +