• Anchorage, Alaska- I love this city. It's urban, and the typography I saw on the buildings, in the businesses, on the printed materials- amazing! The colors of the town were fresh and clean. I would live here.
  • Bat cave in the Dominican Republic - crawling with cockroaches, spiders and other various insects. Picture the scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom as he's in the tunnel connected to his bedroom and you have the general idea. The floor, carpeted in bugs, was constantly shifting and moving like waves over itself. Fascinating how I loved this but cannot stand a spider in my bedroom or the drone of a single mosquito while I try to sleep.
  • California - I drove there (from Abilene) with my two roommates, Megan and Kristen, during spring break of our junior year (2007). I hated L.A.
  • D
  • Ellie's Treehouse - my first exposure to real tree-house fun as a child. We were constantly working on that arbor-abode, constructing new ideas to maximize the fun to be had, but we probably never altered it more than adding and removing nails from the walls.
  • Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - where I first saw the ocean at the age of 12 or 13. I also met a cute boy on the beach, and I thought he was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen. (Probably moreso than the newly-discovered ocean. Stupid girl.)
  • Gatlinburg, Tennessee - Smokey Mountains and cheap tourist gift shops, I love you.
  • Homer, Alaska -
may 23 2009 ∞
may 23 2009 +