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"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you're never alone."

- Sam Levenson

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Patricia about me (Names of my future kids)
television (Watched)
quotes (Must say in real life)
television (Anime)
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  • I love fashion, but I hate shopping for long periods of time.
  • I have a massive collection of DVD and VHS tapes. At the moment, I could probably be able to open up a rental store if I really wanted to.
  • I make wishes at 11:11, 1:11 and on stars and airplanes. But, I think the only one that works for me is 11:11.
  • My Life Path number is 11.
  • Whenever I'm in a conversation with someone and they're talking, I always hold eye contact. However, when I speak, I constantly am looking everywhere.
  • 6 is my favorite number.
  • I'm very business oriented. I want to be an entrepreneur. A cafe would be nice.
  • My given name is insanely Christian oriented. The noticeable 'Christina' means 'Christ follower' or 'Christ bearer'. The not-so-noticeable is my initials, which stand for the 3 kings - Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. (Nah, it wasn't planned.)
  • The Lawrence Welk Show was my babysitter.
  • I have a lot of eerie similarities with Keanu Reeves.
  • The older I get the more I become a tree-hugging, equality loving, animal rights defending advocate.
  • My grand (and so forth) father was a very famous abolitionist.
  • If I could, I'd live my life by painting and writing all day.
  • I think busking is awesome. I'm sure I'll get around to doing it one day.
  • I underline/highlight my favorite quotes in my books.
  • Every year, I try to do something different in terms of creativity.
  • I really think the reason why I have as much faith as I do is because I've learned it my own way. I hope that someday my children will do the same.
  • I've always been independent.
  • I've always been an adrenaline junkie.
  • I've been electric shocked twice (once by sticking a fork in a socket, another by pulling out a cord I shouldn't have touched). I broke my arm 2 inches apart and shattered my elbow. I had broken ribs and yeeeahh... I do have a lot of scars. But nope, I'll never learn XD
  • I don't do the party scene. Drugs, alcohol and smoking are not my style and never have been.
  • I probably couldn't ever get a tattoo. While I wish I could, I think I might end up getting sick of it.
  • I don't eat meat very frequently. Yeah, because of the animals...but mostly because I've grown sick of the taste.
  • I wish I had musical talents. While my parents tried introducing me to a ton of instruments, I had always become frustrated with the learning processes.
  • When I wanted to play the drums, I had to play the trumpet. Don't get me wrong, I love the sound of the trumpet. But, I really wanted to play the drums.
  • I'm a little kid at heart.
  • Yes, I will randomly dance and break out into song. But, I always refuse if I'm asked to do so. XD Sorry. HAHAHAH.
  • Don't let the above fool you. I'm terrible at both.
  • If I could, I'd take photo booth pictures with everyone I had ever met.
  • Since early 2003, I've had awful sleeping problems.
  • I had a crush on Kirk Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio and Steve Guttenberg in the early 90s.
  • My best friends have been my friends for years.
  • I bawl my eyes out at the end of King Kong. Stupid mean ol' Carl Denham...
  • I love the smell of sautéed onions and garlic.
  • I prefer DC over Marvel. Simply because of the artwork.
  • I don't like Keanu Reeves's acting...but, I still get very defensive whenever someone tries bashing him. Hahahahaha.
  • I love mammals. Reptiles are cute. Birds are beautiful. Fish are adorable. But, arachnids = no way.
  • I hate being uncomfortably hot. I don't mind being cold.
  • Various things I wanted to be when I was little: astronaut, actor, librarian, Disney princess *at Disney world*, race car driver, wrestling manager, archeologist, opera singer, veterinarian, artist and a doctor.
  • I have hardly any job experience.
  • I listen more than I talk. I type more than I talk. Unless of course, you're my mom...then I talk so much I annoy myself.
  • Visual dyslexia is terrible.
  • I love receiving letters. I think they're more thought out and honest.
  • I was crazy about the movie AND cartoon Beetlejuice when I was little. Even my imaginary friend was Beetlejuice.
  • ....I was a weird kid.
  • I don't use profanities. Instead, I make up my own lingo or use slang from the 20s-50s. There's far more elegant words out there.
  • The smell of smoke gives me headaches.
  • I kinda have a phobia of germs. I'm so fearful of a crowd of people swarming around me because I don't know who in the world is gonna sneeze.
  • I'm also deathly afraid of balloons. Even looking at a picture of them make me hyperventilate and cause my heart to race.
  • I want nothing more than to travel the world with Peace Crops or IFRC.
  • Even though, I do love all movie genres - I think Musicals would be my absolute favorite.
  • When I was 12, I applied for the Marines. I didn't really want to apply - I only wanted the pen they sent. My mom thinks it's a hilarious story though, so she tells it constantly.
  • Aside from Freshman (which wasn't in the actual high school), I never went to a high school dance. I wish I did.
  • The first CD I had ever bought was 'Spice World' by The Spice Girls.
  • I love word searches.
  • I started clenching my jaw because I liked the way it looked. I now have TMJ but, hey! I like my jaw! (I'm just joking. I really do regret it.)
  • When I was really little, I never really liked having girl friends. They were all boys.
  • Whenever I listen to a song I like, I listen to it over and over again until I get tired of it (which takes around 1 week - 1 month.)
  • I grew up on 20's - 60's culture. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies were very common. Frank Sinatra was always singing in my room. Mario Lanza was always singing on my dad's tv. Then Donald O'Conner and Marilyn Monroe were on another.
  • Even though my favorite color is red, I hate roses.
  • I think silence should be a cherished thing. I don't mind it at all. I wish more people agreed with me.
  • I like the smell of matches. However, I've never lit a match.
  • I have no clue what my blood type is.
  • I eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the Elvis way - with bananas.
  • Although I've had a rough past, I'm constantly looking forward to the future. I feel blessed that I am where I am.
  • I only own one designer purse (that I bought myself, thankyouverymuch!). I don't feel the need to buy top of the line designer items.
  • I always think 'Well...I could have bought this instead.' before spending my money on something.
  • My favorite books are 'The Princess Bride' and 'The Notebook'. I actually do like the books more than the movies...especially 'The Notebook'.
  • I clip coupons but never use them.
  • Prince Phillip was the best Disney prince.
  • I've never been starstruck. It never happens for some odd reason...even though I've met a few awesome celebs.
  • I love dresses and skirts but, I never get a chance to wear them.
  • I'm Filipina, Irish, English, Castilian and Indonesian.
  • I like walking in the rain with or without an umbrella.
  • . I can never get past the first few pages of the first Harry Potter book. However, I did go to a HP book release party.
  • I can't eat anything with ginger in it. It causes my tastes buds to pass out from the yuckyness.
  • When I was in junior high and high school, I was known to be constantly skipping class. In my senior year, I even went to court because of it.
  • I would have done a lot more better in school if I had just cared about it more.
  • I really do like learning. I just hate paperwork...
  • Whenever I watch Disney movies, I always end up crying uncontrollably. I have noooo clue why.
  • My best friend and me usually make up stories about people we don't know at this one place. Don't worry, they are all nice.
  • I often go to the missed connections on CL. I don't understand a lot of them, but I find the concept to be quite romantic.
  • Before I realized how young he was, I had a crush on DaveDays from Youtube XD yeeeahhhh...'8 Years Apart' was about me (in my mind.)
  • I'd rather write a letter in my own handwriting than type out an email. I really think postcards and snail mail should make a comeback.
  • I loved Matt Stone and Trey Parker's work when they actually acted. I thought it was a lot better than South Park.
  • I was born left-handed but after breaking that arm, I became right handed.
  • I don't like debating at all with close-minded people. I tend to get hot-headed and take things very personally.
  • I'm a great-great-aunt and I'm only 19.
  • Holidays aren't too big among my mom and me, but whenever I settle down, it'll be a big deal.
  • Why yeeesss, as a matter of fact, I do practice my catwalk where ever I can! XD
  • I like maps.
  • I often quote things from my favorite cult movies/shows. No one ever knows what I'm talking about but I'll crack up anyway.
  • In most cases, I type how I speak. I really do say 'Eh?','Meh.','Pblthhh.'!
  • I rarely ever wear tennis shoes. Heels are my shoes of choice.
  • I only have nightmares. I haven't been able to have a decent dream in a while.
  • My mom thinks I have nightmares because of all the 'scary' movies I watch before I fall asleep. (maybe!)
  • My favorite time of the day is when the sun sets.
  • Believe it or not, I'm a very private person.
  • I wanna be the star of a Quentin Tarantino movie.
  • I STILL haven't got my driver's license.
  • I don't lie very I don't do it.
  • I'm 5'1''. I get teased about being short, but I don't care much anymore!
  • I often refer to everyone as 'hooligans' only because 'hooligan' is my favoite word.
sep 27 2008 ∞
feb 10 2010 +