Welcome, welcome! If you, my friends, looking for some high-quality content of fanfiction to read in your pathetic-busy-ass time, you've come to the right place.

So here are some rules you might ought to know:

  • i ONLY read Chanbaek, Meanie, and random otp with a good fic plot.
  • some of them maybe biased and based on my personal preference but, man, believe me, i knew when the fic is good or not. But maybe, yeah, personal preference, back to square one.
  • i FANCY monsterfics a.k.a the long one. i didn't read short fics due to the lack of feelings development feelings between the character that might happen (yes, feelings development, very important)
  • i HATE sad angst story and rarely read it unless it's highly recommended and like SUPER good.

ok done!!! don't forget to leave some kudos, comment, or subscribe to the story if you think that's a good one. learn to appreciate the art by doing small things. thank you, and happy reading.

- Ain.

jan 20 2016 ∞
jul 19 2022 +