- 12.1: Dan's Christmas LEGO Calendar Starts!
- 12.3: YA Webinar
- 12.3: Other Webinar
- 12.4: MamaJin's Birthday
- 12.4: Sephora box!
- 12.5: Holiday Gift Workshop, Part II
- 12.5: The Annual Spongebob Squarepants Christmas Special viewing with Bubble Tea ♥
- 12.7: Last day of classes
- 12.7: Zico's Pride and Prejudice released ♥
- 12.8: Shakespeare Club
- 12.10: Final Paper Due (Hopefully handed in earlier- YES- 12.9)
- 12.10-11: Training in Harrisburg
- 12.14: Happy Birthday BBomb
- 12.15: Coloring Party!
- 12.17: Grades available online
- 12.18: F is for Family on Netflix
- 12.21: DM in NC
- 12.22: Winter is here!
- 12.22: Gaming Party
- 12.23: Happy Birthday Jaehyo
- 12.24: Christmas Eve
- 12.25: Happy Birthday, Jesus!
- 12.26: Saturday off!
- 12.30: Goodbye, 2015
dec 1 2015 ∞
dec 31 2015 +