Ideas & goals
- Mainly experimenting with syntax & vocab
- no phonemic changes (Be able to pronounce in most English accents)
- A deconstruction
- Make it still comprehensible English
- Maybe add some extra features that add more if you know how the language works (Like the habitual be)
¿What to do?
- Look into the most “weird” foreign vocabulary, syntax grammar concepts to English speakers
- Look into evolution of split ergativity
- How many levels of subordination is English?
Lang Inspo
- Vocabulary
- Passe (I like how “on a passé” means “happened”)
- prendre (like take in English but used in more contexts )
- longtemps (Cool grammatically but “longtime” may sound a bit awkward)
- est en train de (means “in the process of” dunno how the English equivalent would be but it’s cool)
- aussi (means both “also” and “so” as in “so green”)
- à nouveau (means “again”, translates to “at new”)
- même (means both “same” and “even(if)”)
- tous les jours (means “everyday” but translates to “all the days”)
- Syntax
- SOV reflexives (especially when there’s three involved)
- Negation sandwich
•==========================• Artifexian Notes
- 3:11 Secondary word orders in subordinate clauses
- 3:33 Alternate word order constructions in English
- 4:58 Hawkins Universal
- 6:34 English modifier order
- 7:35 more word order stuff
- 7:38 Word Order Evolution
Changes/ removing from English
- maybe remove it (makes everything seem more alive)(If we want split ergativity we may need to keep it. Or we could do a he/she vs they thing, pretty funky.)
- Redefine he/ she to not be based on gender (idk what to change it to tho, they could become the new inanimate nouns)
- Evolve towards a head-final language (postpositions yey!)
- Change the adjective order
- Experiment with new phrasal verbs
- Add a causative
- change “ex-“ prefix to “out-“ (“exclude” -> “outclude”)
- Did/ Do for yes/ no questions
- Phonemes & Accents
English grammar
Word order
- free word order depending on context
- look into the word ordering patterns of regular English (like vso for question)
- What if vso for every question?
- no case -> split ergativity
- old English used “-en” for accusative (probably)
- no gender -> 3 gender (1 animate, 2 inanimate)
- 2 numbers (keep unchanged for now)
- 12 tenses (could simplify and change some constructions)
- experiment with which words are “-er” words and “more x” words
Gender Ideas
Animate - They Inanimate 1 - He Inanimate 2 - She
Plural is all “they”
I think it would be best to keep male and female.
Usually we use “it” to refer to a fly in the house but since we’re replacing “it” with “he/she”, tye fly would have to be gendered and somewhat humanised. Cute fly friend.
Idk if it’ll count as a gender system, I’ll have to experiment with adjectives.
We’ll use french gendered nouns for now
Book - masculine Towel - feminine
The blue dog The bluend bookem The bluette towelem
The black dog The blackand bookem The blackette towelem
Masc - -and / -nd Femme - -ette / -tte
Case Ideas
- Dog sleeps
- Dog likes dogen
- Dog likes their kennel
- The dog’s kennelem
- Dogs sleep
- Dogs like dogens
- Dogs like their kennels
- The dogs’ kennelems
- Nominative - unmarked
- Accusative - -n / -en
- Absolutive - unmarked
- Ergative - ???
- Genitive - ‘s (change possessive to genitive)
- They sleep
- They like them
- He sleeps
- Him likes he
- They like he
- Him likes them
- Dogs like their kennels
- Kennelems like their dogens
- Blue dogs like their bluend kennels
Tense Ideas
- Present
- Present simple - I do
- Present continuous - I am doing
- Present habitual - I be doing
- Present perfect - I have done
- Present perfect continuous - I have been doing
- Past
- Past simple - I did
- Past continuous - I was doing
- Past habitual - I did do
- Past perfect - I had done
- Past perfect continuous - I had been doing
- Future
- Future simple - I will do
- Future continuous - I will be doing
- Future habitual - I will done doing
- Future perfect - I will have done
- Future perfect continuous - I will have been doing