To-do on my website
This update
- make mp303 info mobile compatible-
- see if there’s a way to make the alt text box disappear (or just make there not be images in the first place)-
- make the audio of dglif element 400px wide so it works better on mobile-
- add tru luv video to it’s page-
- hit counter with neocities API-
- write better alt text and overall make website more accessible
- add webarchives to defunct websites and also add more to the links page
- why does the about page scroll slightly?
- optomise image sizes
- asha remix
- Andy Almods
- 666
- whatever else needs it tbh
- I think the overall reason it’s slow is because there’s too much data being sent over the first time, try reducing it.-
- What if you set the bg to onload?
- fix psy.web tiling-
- Make social media cards-
- Make a page for my mixes-
- Make a page for sending to clubs & stuff-
Maybe this update
- chrome floaty things (like Cameron’s world)
- could also make pillars like they are in there.
- random page button on my main site.
Future updates
- Duolingo archive (design to look as official as possible)
- archive of all ads
- all fonts downloadable
- all Duolingo wrapped personalities
- links to other archive things (like that full list of stories)
- LPS archive
- LPS VIP list
- accurate information about the games
- music and sound fx downloads
- links to other sites like lps collectors wiki
- remake boomboxx
- mixer the gify pet
- make a pop-up that asks if you want the flashing colours
- maybe there’s a way to make gifs not animate