~~About me, I guess~~

Hi! My name's Emily! (Please use she/her pronouns!)

I live in America (New York, to be a bit more precise,) and am starting my sophomore year of high school this September.

I'm a Scorpio (Sagittarius cusp,) a Derse dreamer, a Maid of Heart, and Lawful Good.

I'm neurodivergent, I won't list all my diagnoses here (there are a lot, and apparently I don't even know what some of them are,) but the two that you really need to know are ADHD (inattentive-type) and anxiety.

If you want to follow my cosplay account, it's @ceruleanspiders (but please don't mention anything about me being kin on there except for DMs, I'm trying to keep it a bit of a secret whoops)

Thanks so much for reading this!!! This is just for people to reference if they need it so just request to follow and I'll probably accept! However, if for one reason or another you want to prove that you read it (again, this is totally optional!) just DM me "It's free real estate"

jun 6 2018 ∞
aug 16 2018 +