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Dave Strider (he/him)

"i was told when i get older that all my fears would shrink

but now im insecure and i care what people think"

  • Age: usually around 19, but can fall between 10 and 25
  • Mild temperament and excellent self-control
  • Obsessed with being "cool", though his definition is a little skewed
  • Likes sick beats, phat rhymes, weird preserved dead things, and irony
  • Loves to get a laugh out of his friends. Or aggravate them past the point of words, depending on his mood
  • Sis will ALWAYS register as his sister, even when he shifts into other versions of himself (several AUs, switches between them based on mood)
  • Very easy to approach and quick to comment, difficult to spook off except with topics that hit too close to home or being made to feel that he is genuinely unwanted.
  • Cares deeply for his friends
  • Difficult as fuck to get him to express emotions fully
  • One of the main coordinators; frequent driver
sep 12 2016 ∞
oct 16 2016 +