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The Ψiioniic (he/him)

"Trapped iin the cold 2teel 2iide2 of my enclo2ure, map2 of ciircuiit2 that aren't ea2y two replace."

  • Age: around 12 sweeps (26 years), but fluctuates massively based on mood
  • Personality heavily linked to current age.
  • Crabby, bitter, pessimistic, dry and dirty humor, sarcastic, defensive, paranoid, protective, fiercely loyal
  • Frequent and unpredictable mood swings
  • The best at organizing task lists and getting basic needs fulfilled
  • Incredible programmer, loves to dick around with computers
  • Scarred and suspicious, prone to adamantly keeping to himself
  • He gripes because he cares
  • Hopelessly devoted to Signless and their clade
  • Terrible self-esteem, immediately shuts down when he convinces himself he's not wanted
  • PTSD, bipolar, bouts of dysphonia
  • Occasionally slips back into The Helmsman, also known as a "battleship moment". This refers to what is essentially an extended flashback in which he relives his most aggressive and persistent traumas. Other guests (usually Dave) will attempt to move him away from the front when these episodes occur, but they frequently affect JJ's ability to communicate or function effectively.
  • Acts like kind of a dick, but he is incredibly protective and caring at his core
  • Secretly and reluctantly group mom
  • One of the main drivers, likely nearby even when not at the wheel
sep 12 2016 ∞
oct 16 2016 +