• 1. hunger makes me a modern girl - carrie brownstein (2015) | 30.01 ***
  • 2. this is water - david foster wallace (2009) | 31.01 *****
  • 3. o talentoso sr. ripley - patricia highsmith (1955) | 09.02 ***
  • 4. very good lives: the fringe benefits of failure and the importance of imagination - j. k. rowling (2015) | 26.02 *****
  • 5. the last question - isaac asimov (1956) | 10.04 ***
  • 6. sempre a mesma neve e sempre o mesmo tio - herta müller (2011) | 12.04 ****
  • 7. a garota do trem - paula hawkins (2015) | 16.04 ***
  • 8. persuasão - jane austen (1818) | 25.04 ***
  • 9. meus documentos - alejandro zambra (2013) | 28.05 ****
  • 10. o conto da aia - margareth atwood (1985) | 04.06 *****
  • 11. outro silêncio: haikais - alice ruiz (2015) | 07.06 **
  • 12. teaching my mother how to give birth - warsan shire (2011) | 08.06 *****
jan 31 2016 ∞
jun 22 2016 +