• i tend to keep to a very small circle on twitter and use the block button Very lightly - i don't like most of twitter and don't have interest in being actively involved on it
  • with that out of the way, please don't follow me if you're under 17! (also on that note, it can be hard to tag on twitter, but please don't interact with anything nsfw i may post if under 18 ! i don't post more than mild nudity in art / the occasional joke , however i'd still pref if you didn't interact )
  • if you're an active discourser, don't follow me or you'll likely get blocked; discourse on all platforms sort of sucks, but twitter discourse esp gets rancid and i don't want anything to do w it
  • however i will say - i'm anti-transmed, anti-exclus (pan/ace/etc), anti-endo , anti western "tulpamancy", anti-cop etc ; i'm pro prison abolition, self dx (with research/done properly), he lesbians + she gays (and other forms of pronoun nonconformity) etc
  • if you believe in "narcissistic abuse" or demonize cluster b pds, don't follow
  • members of ghosttwt, d/a twitter, and pluralgang twitter don't follow
  • >> ghost's fandom is wildly toxic and i have bad experiences w it | people with d/as are free to follow, but if you're actively involved in the community i'd pref you didn't (i have a lot of criticisms regarding the community as a whole) | pluralgang is full of demedicalization/ableism/misinfo etc and i rly don't wanna go near it. i also don't consider myself plural, so i have no real reason to be involved in it
jul 7 2021 ∞
oct 18 2021 +