• The time when a guy sidled up next to me in the library, singing "Like A Virgin" while I was checking things out with my little sister.
  • The time a guy who was 10 years older than me followed me around my first real college party telling me about his lazy eye.
  • The time a guy decided my nail polish would be a good topic of conversation to start off on...awkwardness ensued.
  • The time a guy hocked a large spit without looking and narrowly missed me, apologized, then asked me what my name was.
  • "Nice legs what time do they open?" Just no.
  • Rambling about drugs and your rankings of them on a scale.
  • Repeatedly asking me out without taking a breath while I sat there repeatedly saying no. (Because that's not obnoxious at all and is somehow a good way to get a date apparently)
aug 22 2011 ∞
dec 11 2011 +