• Saul Leibovich Sibiryakov

very tall and has trust issues out the wazzo. has some medical training, is a trained sniper. seems gentle and kind, wouldn’t hesitate to kill a man.

  • Oleander Clay

was a geek before geeks were a thing. is disturbed by the fact that she likes to hurt people as much as she does. enthusiastic! about! LIFE!

  • Isidore Nevrakis

reformed criminal. black sheep of the family. cynical, but with a good heart.

  • Victrix V.

lawyer turned police captain. white sheep of the family. rules lawyer extraordinaire.

  • Jonah Narahari

comes from a very rich but emotionally abusive family. he’s not really used to living on his own. has awful luck.

  • Rosaline Turns

hates her job, hates Saul, and hates that her job involves Saul. She’s the only one of the group to have a stable and happy romantic relationship.

  • Einion A. Westbrook

very short. hates his first name, so goes by last. picks fights and is a jerk. has a body that’s trying it’s best to kill him.

sep 11 2016 ∞
jan 3 2019 +