• She ruled over (judged) Isreal for a long period of time. She ordered this man Barack to bring all the men and defeat Sisera. But, he wouldn't go unless she went. Deborah said that because he was acting like this, their enemy Sisera wouldn't be defeated by him personally, but by a women. Anyway, Deb went with him. And God delivered them and had them destroy all of Sisera's 900 chariots of men. Except Sisera himself. He fled into
  • ...Jael's tent. She brought him in. He asked her to stand at the door and tell anyone who came that no one was inside. But, instead she killed him the night with a peg in his temple. This fulfilled Deborah's prophecy to Barack that a woman would slay Sisera. Crazy courageous woman who trusted that this was what God wanted her to do to further His plan and glory
jun 24 2009 ∞
jun 24 2009 +