- adidas sneakers
- birkenstocks
- black lace-up combat boots ✔︎
- computer skin (for keyboard)
- denim jacket
- dot journal
- drawstring bag ✔︎
- flannels ✔︎
- fingerless black leather gloves
- Gatorade water bottle
- gift cards (AMEagle, Starbucks, Target, etc.)
- Greenglass House by Kate Milford ✔︎
- journal for songwriting ✔︎
- large mug
- oh my my album on cd
- olive green bomber jacket
- overalls ✔︎
- periodic table t-shirt
- romper
- scented candles
- scrunchies ✔︎
- slippers ✔︎
- small succulents
- squishies
- The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller ✔︎
- The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli ✔︎
- totoro plushie
- turquoise desk lamp ✔︎
- yellow/light green/light blue/turquoise decorations
- yellow/light green/light blue/turquoise pillows
sep 23 2018 ∞
aug 19 2019 +