• 21: Went out to eat @ Thai Patio in Thai Town w/ steve for lunch, Watched the Super Bowl w/ Steve, Josh, and Louie, went to Chris and Mike's gig @ The House of Blues (free drinks all night)
  • 20: Went to class as usual I think. Then out to Toro to eat Spanish Tapas with Heidi, Jessica, Dylan, Steve, Sebastian, Laura, and Evan
  • 19: Went out w/ Maria, Ariel, Heidi, Steve, and others to Brown Sugar Cafe. Still had braces on!
  • 18: Went to Brown Sugar with roommates, Vanessa's boyfriend, Steve, Dylan
  • 17: Do not remember
  • 16: Had friends over and played DDR and my mom bought me a cake.
  • 15: Mom got mad at me because I didn't want to get my nails done for my birthday present. Went out and got Sushi platter with Dad and my ex, Steve Taylor.
  • 14: No idea.
  • 13: Had friends over before a basketball game that I was cheerleading at. I think that I might have also gone to the mall with Anjelica and Austin (my ex-boyfriend who later dated Anjelica)
  • 12: Had a big sleepover at my house with all my new gifrlfriends from Beach Elementary and my old girlfriends from Appeal Elementary. The next day, went to Georgetown Mall with my "best" friends out of the bunch.
  • 11: No idea from this point and earlier.
may 22 2009 ∞
may 22 2009 +