• Went to my ex's boss' house where she told me to get into a vibrating chair (she works for Ann Summers) then she asked me if I wanted a meerkat as a pet. I took it home, name it Arnold and put it in a Liverpool. I was slightly confused as where Meerkats came into my dream but I blame the recent www.comparethemeerkats.com adverts.
  • I had a dream that I went to a DnB rave with my best friend and then all of a sudden my parents were there. It was very odd because my parents hate DnB. It felt like they were trying to take over my personal space
  • I moved to South Africa in my dream, where my flat mates tried to persuad us to commit sutle crimes to avoid paying the rent. Not sure what this meant as I dont particulary like S.A. Maybe this is how I felt when I moved to BCN.
  • Being told that me and my brother couldnt leave the house on Thursday 20th otherwise we would both be killed in a really horrible way, then waking up and looking at my phone and realising that there is a Thursday 20th this month and freaking out
  • That I was a sex slave for aliens (?)
  • Soho was being forced to become a prostitute
  • Hearing my brother knock on my bedroom window and waking up (in my dream) and having blurry vision, looking in the mirror and my eyes are REALLY swollen and big
  • My nose keeps falling apart
may 2 2009 ∞
may 28 2009 +