• never be easily accessible. let him chase you, because if you're easy to catch ahold of, then he won't think you're worth it
  • don't play hard to get. playing hard to get and being non-easily accessible are two different things. playing hard to get is deliberately making things difficult for the guy, whereas being non-easily accessible means not jumping at every chance to spend time together
  • don't skip the bases. don't have have sex if you haven't kissed
  • however, don't suck him off if you haven't had sex
  • hold onto your virginity for the one who truly, legitimately, and sincerely cares about you and loves you. don't let religion dictate love
  • no means no, so say it like you mean it and MEAN IT. stand your ground and say what you need to say
  • don't use tears or whining or "if you really loved me" to get your way, unless he's pressuring you for sex. in that case, drop that asshole
  • physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse. you know what they are and the varying forms they can take. don't be stupid and think it's only an accident or a one-time thing--drop him
  • inappropriate (read: unwanted) touching deserves a glare, a slap, a punch in the face, and/or a kick in the balls
  • only YOU know what YOU want. voice it and make your own choices
  • boys get hurt too, so watch what you say and how you act. if you don't like him that way, don't beat around the bush. make it clear that you don't feel the same way
  • don't expect him to buy and/or pay for everything for you. fuck that. it's the 21st century and you should learn to take the lead and fork over your own cash for your own shit. but at the same time, if he never insists on paying or holding the door or carrying your bags, then he's not the best person to be with
  • if he calls you by a pet name or nickname more than your own real name, drop him
  • see how he treats you in front of his friends. he better treat you just as well
  • if he has no drive or ambition but you are a strong, independent, woman with goals and ambitions, then he's probably not for you
  • does he treat his mother, sister, other females with respect? make sure he does--it's a reflection of how he'll treat you
  • passion is good. passion is very, very good
apr 30 2009 ∞
apr 30 2009 +