I know I did the blog post about 10 things about me, but I'm kind of an insane person and this is a list of 16 things about me that are kind of random.
- I am a walking TV Guide. (Seriously, ask me a question about when a show is on, either I know it or I don't. 9/10 I know)
- I can only eat tic tacs in even numbers.
- My food can NEVER touch. EVER. I'll eat combined things, but if I'm at a buffet, and get Mongolian Beef and rice, the two things can't touch unless I mix them together in a bite.
- I chew gum like a pack a day smoker. I can't take a test without it.
- I freak out if I'm late for ANYTHING. A class, a date, a dinner, or a concert (like for example I was late to a concert at school (on time for the show) I freaked out. I can't do it)
- Music is my life, playing, listening, looking up...I have no paticular taste...On my iPod I have everything for A Day to Remember to Idina Menzel. Even a little Hip Hop and R&B.
- I despise silence. Absolutely cannot stand it...It irritates me and I just feel awkward in it no matter what.
- I'm quite shy when I meet new people, however my friends and parents would disagree with you.
- I'm addicted to Broadway. It is one of my loves that is an acquired taste.
- I have a mouth like sailor. If you could hear me talk, you would probably cringe...Legend has it, my first word was the f-bomb.
- I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue...And have been able to since I was nine.
- I never leave the house without eyeliner.
- I never wear skirts, sometimes dresses, but I'm pretty much a pants and shorts kind of girl.
- My favorite sports are hockey and football. I live for Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays in the fall. (High school, College, NFL, NFL)
- I'm a drama department geek. Musicals and plays are my life.
- My hobby is photography. I love taking pictures and think I am quite good.