- Gemma Eloise (Italian) (French and English variation of Heloise)
- Gemma Precious Stone, 317.
- Eloise Healthy; Wide, 364.
- Phoebe Adele (Greek) (French Diminutive of Adelaide)
- Phoebe Radiant, shining one, 303.
- Adele Noble Woman, 536.
- Olive Matilda (English, From Latin, nature name) (German)
- Olive Olive Tree, 368.
- Matilda Battle-mighty, 658.
- Wren Magnolia (An animal Name) (Latin, Flower Name)
- Wren Wren, a bird.
- Magnolia Flower Name
- Juliette Mae (French Variation of Juliet) (Diminutive of Margaret)
- Juliette Youthful, 310.
- Mae Bitter, 750.
- Stella Josephine (Star) (French Feminine variation of Joseph)
- Stella Star, 62.
- Josephine Jehovah Increases, 160.
- Pippa Caroline (English, diminutive of Philippa) (French Feminine variation of Carolus)
- Pippa lover of horses.
- Caroline Free Man, 80.
- Cecilia Jane (Latin feminine form of Cecil) (English)
- Cecilia Blind one, 216
- Jane God's gracious gift, 340.
- Willa June (Feminine variation of William) (Latin, Month Name)
- Willa Resolute Protection, 723.
- June 435.
- Sophie July/Juniper (French Variation of Sophia) (Latin, Month Name) (Tree Name)
- Sophie Wisdom, 52.
- July
- Juniper, 883
- Walker Nathaniel (English Occupation Name) (Hebrew)
- Walker Cloth-Walker, 411.
- Nathaniel Gift of God, 84.
- Harrison Jack (English) (English, Diminutive)
- Harrison son of Harry, 181.
- Jack God is gracious, 46.
- Truman Augustus (English) (Latin)
- Truman Loyal One, 929.
- Augustus great, magnificent, 697.
- Declan Ross (Irish) (Scottish)
- Declan Man of prayer, 143.
- Ross upland, peninsula,960.
- Rhys Olivier (Welsh) (French)
- Rhys Ardor, 476.
- Olivier Olive Tree.
- Milo Spencer (English)
- Milo English spelling variation Miles, 330.
- Spencer house steward, dispenser of provisions, 234.
- Everett Leo (Latin)
- Everett Brave as a wild boar, 214.
- Leo Lion, 134.
- Lucas Dexter (Greek form Luke) (Latin)
- Lucas From Luciana, 27.
- Dexter dyer, right handed, 362.
- Dax Elijah (French Place Name) (Hebrew)
- Dax 634.
- Elijah Jehovah is God, 13.
- Atticus James (Greek) (English variation of Jacob, Hebrew)
- Atticus From Athens, 410.
- James Supplanter, 14.
jul 9 2013 ∞
jun 16 2014 +