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I wish to communicate with you

all forms of communication are dead. make lists while you still have eyes to see and time to look forward to tediously crossing items off your "bucket list".

listography NEW NEWS
oldfilmsflicker movies (directed by women 2025)
movies (new-to-me 2025)
heksenhaus notes (dungeon/mutant crawl classics)
  • "Souriez! C'est votre meilleur atout."
  • "Vous luttez continuellement pour vous parfaire."
  • "Wisdom is only found in truth"
  • "Vous trouvez la beauté dans les choses ordinaires. Ne perdez pas ce talent."
  • "You would make a good lawyer"
  • "You cannot become rich except by enriching others."
  • "God will help you overcome any hardship."
  • "Dites du bien des gens et jamais vous ne chuchoterez"
  • "There is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead of you."
  • "You are vigorous in words and action."
  • "Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you."
  • "You will win success in whatever you adopt."
  • "Success is on its way to you" x2
  • "Votre courant émotionnel coule avec vigueur présentement"
  • "A carrot a day may keep cancer away" x3
  • "Ne dévoilez pas vos plans immédiatement"
  • "Vous êtes de ceux qui font leur chemin dans la vie"
  • "You will always get what you want through your charm and personality."
  • "It is better to be an optimist and proven a fool than be a pessimist and proven right"
  • "Vous êtes un ami dévoué"
  • "You will get what your heart desires"
  • "Recognition is the greatest motivator"
  • "Truth, Can you handle the truth?"
  • "Allow disruptions to deepen your concentration"
  • "Your wisdom will influence others"
  • "You can't go far in a rowboat without oars"
  • "Faithless is he who quits when the road darkens"
  • "A fair face may fade, but a beautiful soul last forever"
  • "There's nothing more dangerous than an idea if its the only one you have"
  • "Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing"
  • "To know oneself, one should assert oneself"
  • "Oops...Wrong cookie"
  • "To see an old friend is as agreeable as a good meal"
  • "We all have a lot more in common than it seems"
  • "You have a keen sense of humor and love a good time."
  • "Hear with your ears but listen with your heart."
  • "Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough."
  • "True ideas possess greater ultimate power than physical might."
  • "Diligence and modesty can raise your social status."
  • "Believe in miracles."
apr 23 2010 ∞
mar 12 2012 +