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I wish to communicate with you

all forms of communication are dead. make lists while you still have eyes to see and time to look forward to tediously crossing items off your "bucket list".

listography GIVE MEMORIES
oldfilmsflicker movies (new-to-me 2025)
movies (directed by women 2025)
books (new-to-me 2025)
heksenhaus notes (dungeon/mutant crawl classics)

I'm a regular letter-writer. I have pen pals from all over the world. One I've been writing to since I was 15. If it looks like you'd like to write with me, please do!


  • NO: Prisoners, Monetary or Material requests, email letters (sorry, I can't really keep up with it), requests for a relationship/marriage, letters sent to Africa, India, or Asia
  • between ages 25-45. Although if you're really awesome, then ages 23-50.
  • snail-mail only. Leave me a comment with yr email, or email me at creep . mouse (a.) [t) yahoo and we can go from there!
  • I'm interested in longer letters, sent every 3 weeks or month or so. Its a little better than short letters sent every week.
  • I'm interested in swapping cd's, books, newspaper or magazine clippings, random items, vintage things, crafts, etc. if you are so inclined! Please: I can send a few at a time, for the same amount exchanged.
  • Languages I can read and write: English and French. I'd be super interested if I can write in French, but you can write in whichever you'd like
may 2 2010 ∞
mar 12 2012 +