I'm a regular letter-writer. I have pen pals from all over the world. One I've been writing to since I was 15. If it looks like you'd like to write with me, please do!
- NO: Prisoners, Monetary or Material requests, email letters (sorry, I can't really keep up with it), requests for a relationship/marriage, letters sent to Africa, India, or Asia
- between ages 25-45. Although if you're really awesome, then ages 23-50.
- snail-mail only. Leave me a comment with yr email, or email me at creep . mouse (a.) [t) yahoo and we can go from there!
- I'm interested in longer letters, sent every 3 weeks or month or so. Its a little better than short letters sent every week.
- I'm interested in swapping cd's, books, newspaper or magazine clippings, random items, vintage things, crafts, etc. if you are so inclined! Please: I can send a few at a time, for the same amount exchanged.
- Languages I can read and write: English and French. I'd be super interested if I can write in French, but you can write in whichever you'd like