whilom: former; in the past; erstwhile.

portmanteau - a blend of two (or more) words or morphemes and their meanings into one new word.[1][2][3] In linguistics, a portmanteau is defined as a single morph which represents two or more morphemes

half-assed/ half-aresd

nacreous: lustrous; pearly.

nepenthe: a drug or drink having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble.

mussitate: to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech.

frabjous: wonderful, elegant, superb, or delicious.

subaudition - an act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed.

jactation: a restless tossing of the body.

imago: an idealized concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unaltered in adult life.

effet: lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate; decadent: an effete, overrefined society. exhausted of vigor or energy; worn out: an effete political force. unable to produce; sterile.

Brobdingnagian: gigantic; enormous.

sep 3 2010 ∞
nov 12 2010 +