
Saturn in your Partners 11th house

The Saturn person may not approve or try to restrict the amount of time you spend with your friends. In some cases, one person never invites the other into their social circle and both parties tend to do things separately. Usually in good relationships the Saturn person might help the house person be more selective on whom they let into their life. The Saturn person might also introduce the house person to an older or more, mature group of friends.

Pluto in your Partners 7th house

You either love or want to run from this person. If there is mutual attraction than this can be one very sexy partnership but not without it's fair share of challenges but this all depends on how flexible the Pluto person is and if the house person prefers a more dominant and even bossy personality.

If the Pluto person is too forceful, bossy or manipulative with the house person then things might take a sharp left.

However, if the Pluto person is mature, and not into power trips, domination and game-play, and allows the house person to have their own personality and likes and dislikes then the house person is likely to find the Pluto person quite mysterious, sexy and powerful.

The house person may appreciate the Pluto's way in fearlessly going after what they want. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person again this depends on how mature the individual is and whether or not they have this tendency in their natal chart.

If a relationship is formed it will likely be quite powerful and will have the ability to transform the house person in some way. The Pluto person may change the house person's perspective on relationships and they may experience rebirths of their relationship through intense experience and possible drama. If used positively this placement can add a lot of passion, and the Pluto person can help the house person become more assertive in their desires.

Neptune in your Partners 10th house

You inspire your partner to dream big in areas of Career that your partner might find a bit far fetched. There is a possibility that the Neptune person might put the house person on a pedestal or idealize them for better or worse. Although Neptune has good intentions it is important that the house person, think for themselves in this area. There will be a hint of glamor in your public relationship.

Moon in Partners 9th house

This is a fabulous placement for the moon, you will both appreciate each other on a fundamental level and share many of the same ideals, philosophies, or religious beliefs. You will enjoy learning and discussing topics of a higher nature. There is an expansive feeling to this relationship in which you both will have the opportunity to grow, expand, learn and travel together.

Higher learning, exploring and discovering answers to life's big questions, trying new and different things will be a large part of your relationship together. You will make great travel partners.

If a physical and or romantic attraction is present and other aspects allow- over time your love will grow and continue to expand. You both have many of the same life goals, fundamental values and many of the same interests that will last over the long run.

This is the house of Jupiter so you will feel good together, share similar ideals, Values, and interests, along with a zest to experience "the new" and the unknown.

The Moon person will be very supportive of the house person in these areas, and the house person can open the Moon person up to a broader way of seeing things.

In some cases couples take on a very spiritual outlook to life, it can show similar religious backgrounds, or philosophical beliefs which only deepens their love for each other.

You will feel like you can do anything together. The house person may bring out the spiritual side of the moon person or vice versa. Either way this relationship will be meaningful and larger than life.

There is a fine line between love and hate the saying goes. With the moon in your partner's 8th house in synastry, it can end either way. To love deeper than you ever have (unconditionally) or to almost hate with all you have. These extremes are very scorpionic which rules this house of extremes. This will be undeniably a deep connection to the moon person. The moon person will feel that they need to go to the depths with the house person. The house person is aware of this power and the moon person is willing to plunge to the bottom in an effort to find the depth of love that we all seek "unconditional" which in turn both parties involved will be forced to see when the dust settles. This bond is very powerful and very difficult to let go even when most needed.

The moon is all that's emotional, it's our inner selves, what we need to nurture ourselves, it's our mother's nurturing, it's the love that we receive from others or how we love ourselves.

The eighth house's natural ruler is Scorpio. It's all that is hidden within the recesses of the mind. It's is power, control, domination, manipulation, death, sex, taxes and other people's resources.

It's the house of intense experience. In synastry when a person"s moon (emotions, inner self, core) are dropped into another person's 8th house, there is a mutual acknowledgement of a very intense experience in murky territory at hand.

The moon person's moon suddenly becomes a Scorpio moon in a sense.

Their emotional viewpoint, feelings and inner core are being dropped into a deep pool of intensity brought on by the relationship to the house person.

There is something about the house person that draws the Scorpio 8th house stuff out of the moon. The moon person then finds himself digging deep, experiencing fear, jealousy, and perhaps an intense desire to control the house, person.

This produces a strong emotional attachment to the house person. The depths of what these two will experience will be deep.

This has the potential of being the closest lovers or the worst enemies. Either way it will be intense most often times, producing a type of love/hate relationship colored with dramatic over the top displays of drama.

The moon person may feel like they are not in control of these deep feelings, and sexual compulsions they are overwhelming. It's intense and perhaps unconditional, which brings out fears in the Moon.

This relationship will bring out all sorts of emotional insecurities in the moon person. Strong sexual desires, urges, feelings and emotions that are near impossible to control are pulled out by the house person.

The moon person will be lured and almost bewitched into this 8th house with a powerful erotic drive for this house person. The house person feels adored and special by the Moon person.

This relationship has the ability to overcome many challenges others can not. The couple may experience many rebirths, and cycles as they dive deeper each and every time. If the intense and compulsive undercurrents are handled with respect and maturity, then this relationship will bring out better in each other rather than the worst.

If NOT handled with maturity, then the latter is possible, and you may end up in the flames, with no chance of return.

The 12th house - The house of Pisces and the Planet Neptune

In synastry when a person has their Mercury (conscious mind) in your 12th house (unconscious or subconscious mind) it can be a confusing and unsettling placement for both parties.

This can cause major confusion in the communication between partners. The perplexing conversations this position ignites often leaves one or both parties uncertain of the other's intentions, thoughts and feelings. There can be many misunderstandings, and often a odd feeling of something is not right which can bring about all sorts of illusions, fears or even feelings of Paranoia between the couple. Whether or not these inklings are accurate or not really depends on the personal natures of the people involved. If one or the other person is a "deceptive person" than deception is likely or at least very possible.

You would need to look at the individual charts of the parties involved as always the natal chart of each person needs to be considered. It is important to seek the truth with this placement and to not fear asking questions.

It is also important that you communicate with each other as best and honestly as possible. Separate the fact from illusion. Don't sabotage and bring to fruition the very nature of your paranoia by making accusations that are not there as well. The Mercury person can see things that the house person may not even see themselves, these insights can be quite amazing and very helpful to the house person is used positively. Otherwise negatively they can be used to undermine the house person.

They can see your hidden talents and are likely to support you in bringing them out. They can even sense what you're thinking almost telepathically. Although the signals can be confusing, it helps if they both have some Neptune aspects in their own natal chart to be familiar with the energy, if not- signals can be misread. The 12th house is a psychic house as well.

This person can also come in a form of a spiritual messenger or guru that has a message that is very important to you. They can help you understand yourself better than you ever thought possible.

Positively, if both people have each others best interest at heart this indicates that you can have one of the deepest spiritual experiences with one another. The depth of understanding you have of each other is as if you are on the same spiritual plane.

The complex 12th house is where things go to dissolve, end and or merge with one another.

As the mercury person strives for clarity with the house person, you will find them asking many questions, wanting to know " why?" they think or say the things they do.

In synastry, clear communication is very important for the couple to develop and yet "clear" is not something the 12th house provides.The house person may "think" they understand the mercury person better than they actually do but because of the obscurity of this placement it's hard to tell, that if what you "think" you understand is really what it is. Mercury has great insights into your psychological closet and you will be amazed at the things they pick up.

Trust is a huge issue with this placement because of the vagueness of this house. That's what makes this placement so tricky.

The key to handling this placement is that both individuals need to spell things out clearly, listen closely, ask questions and be extremely honest with each other. This has potential to be a very close spiritual bond like no other dream like and all, where both parties have a deep understanding of each other and explore the realms of the spiritual world together living in another world of their own.

Mars in your Partners 4th house

This placement indicates that both people will spend much of their time talking about home or family. Both people might have similarities in the way they were both raised or their may be strikingly similar things about one another that reminds them of home, early childhood or a family member. The Mars person might pry to much into the house persons past or early upbringing, leaving no stone unturned. If this is a romantic relationship than their will probably be a strong, desire to set up home together and if you both live together your family life will be invigorating.


Sun in your Partners 10th house

This placement usually brings about much admiration in each other and a lot of attraction. You both appreciate one another for each others looks, talents and way about them. You also feel good and even more confident as a result of your relationship especially by the way in which others respond to you while together.

This is a excellent position for a couple that enjoys the public life, or that decide to work together. You both have similar interest and can help each other in your Careers. In some cases you can both idealize one another as if you have met your dream or ideal partner.

Sun in your Partners 11th house

This makes for a fun and friendly companionship. You will both share many of the same hopes and wishes or at least be very supportive of one another in reaching theirs. You can talk about many subjects and share many of the same ideas, past times and social groups. You can talk about anything and everything with each other,you are two of a kind. If this is a love relationship you will be both friends and lovers. This is a good position for a long term relationship however as always other compatible factors need apply.

Moon in partners 6th house

The Moon person will go out of their way to help the house person with many of the day to day activities, and will be concerned and helpful in areas of the health and wellness of the house person.

As a couple you will both be willing to help each other when needed. You will both feel you have a partner that helps you be more efficient and effective together on the day to day areas of life and are likely to feel taken care of and planned for.

You may enjoy being of service to each other. Be careful, not to do much, because although your partner may initially appreciate it, you run the risk of allowing this person to take advantage of your good deeds, not always intentionally.

The house person will want to help the Moon person organize better, you will both like quality and efficiency and will give you great ideas on how to make your work more efficient. You can both be critical of each other so try to pay attention, not to spoil the fun.


When your Partners Jupiter is in your 10th house there is a deep admiration and attraction for them. You find them someone that you are proud of to be seen in public. There is a lot of attraction between the two of you, perhaps even a bit in a superficial way, if other aspects and placements don't indicate more. The house person can benefit greatly as a result of the relationship with the Jupiter person and will earn respect, praise or admiration from the public and in Career.

This is the house of honor, fame, career and legacy, so the Jupiter person will help enhance these things for the house person. It is also true that the Jupiter person will admire the house person and feel inclined to help them in their Career. This placement affects both people and there are mutual benefits to be had.

You might find great success through working together.This often reflects a couple that looks good together and others think so too. There is often a mutual attraction and admiration for one another. They will both likely speak highly of one another working as a PR representative for one another. Mutual respect and admiration for each other are seen by this placement.


When your Jupiter is in your Partners 11th house you very well could expand there social circle by introducing them to new friends or groups. You also will be very supportive of your partners hopes and wishes and find that you have many things in common and because of this make very good friends and supporters. In a love relationship you are both freinds and lovers and are very supportive of one another.

When your Partners Jupiter is in your 11th house you enjoy being together, and find a lot in common. You may get involved in groups together or pursue things of a philanthropic nature. You will mix friends well and you both can expand your network as a result of your friendship or relationship.

Mercury in Partners 10th house

Talking about life goals and direction will come easily to this couple. They will enjoy talking about work or career and what they wish to do together. The Mercury person will likely speak highly of the house person to others being a sort of PR person for them. The Mercury person can give great ideas on how to attract attention in business, or help them in their Career. They will have a mutual respect for one another and will see the value in their relationship.

Mercury in Partners 11th house

Conversation will be open and come with ease. You both think alike and share many of the same hopes and wishes, or ideals. This is the best friend that you can talk to about everything and feel that you are understood, or they just get you.

Venus in your partner's 10th house

The house person is enamored with the Venus person and will find that the Venus person adds a bit of glamour to the relationship, the house person might like to be seen with the Venus person. The Venus person will offer advice that can be highly beneficial to the house persons career. There may be a bit of idealization on both parts or a sort of glamorized relationship based on what others think rather than what you have in common. You make each other look good, so this relationship will likely be public. There is much respect for each other, and even admiration.

Venus in your Partners 11th house

This is fabulous for a love relationship or friendship. The two of you get along famously. You will simply love hanging out, chatting and having fun together. You both have a lot in common and just simply like each other. However, if this is a love relationship the house person might treat the Venus person like a buddy, or best friend which isn't a bad thing it can either lesson or increase the romance between the two. This depends on the level of comfort you both prefer and if this relationship is for the long run, then being best Friends is a good thing. It would help to have other more passionate aspects.

The 8th house is a powerful deep psychological and sexual house, also known as the house of extremes and intensity. It draws out such deep feelings and as a result compulsive behavior.

It's the psychological dungeon where we store all things we try to forget or the things that cause us fear, it's an intense house where fears loom large.

It holds all things hidden away or blocked out, things taboo, family secrets, and our psychological inheritance, and is not a light nor superficial house. It is also the house of intimate sharing and the sharing of resources. See description of Pluto for more.

When you're Mars or your Partners Mars falls in the 8th house in synastry. This produces a strong desire to enter into the deep realms of the hidden and psychological needs of each other. Sex is a strong focus for the both of you and will likely be quite racy, and passionate. You will find that you both can reach new heights in intimacy.

The Mars person will stimulate these areas in the house person you may both enjoy exploring many secrets, darker or more taboo subjects such as conspiracy, or secret societies. The Mars person may also push the house person to explore their true sexuality and the deeper meanings in life. You may both also be interested in esoteric knowledge, magic or the occult.

Neptune in Partners 1st house

You are not likely to see your partner as they really are for better or worse. With this aspect, there tends to be a certain amount of idealization this need not be a bad thing, just be sure to not gloss over any real issues for the sake of keeping the dream alive. There is nothing wrong with seeing the best in someone, as a matter of fact that's what love is and soulmates often possess much of this. Just remember, Neptune magic can make a frog look like a prince. That's what we love about Neptune, his ability to enhance the beauty of things. However, because of this tendency, you will need to be extra aware. The positive is that you both will be sensitive to one another feelings, kind, compassionate and even psychically intune with another and sex may take on a dream-like fantasy, that pleasantly haunts you throughout your day.

But..Because on the negative one can idealize the other, if the other is not a Prince but a frog, then it's on you when the glamour fog clears, which it eventually does.

It will be important that you match the words or promises with the actions and results, and don't fall into a never ending hole of vague, ambiguities, or find yourself making excuses for bad behavior, and accepting things you normally wouldn't.

Do not fall over first impressions now, try and test it and aim for healthy involvement.

If none of the negatives play out then the other side is a deeply sensitive relationship. And If neither partner has ulterior motives or has anything to hide, then this placement can produce strong romantic and physical attraction that never seems to fade.

Pluto in Your Partner's 10th house

The Pluto person will take a strong interest in the house person's public standing and career. The house person will be someone the Pluto person respect and See's much talent in. In the negative the Pluto person may try to control the house person's career or decisions made about it. The Pluto person can suggest powerful ways in which the house person may obtain their worldly goals.

This is sometimes found in the people who become strong supporters, and marketers of their partner. The Pluto person will likely want to manage the house person or in a worse case, suppress their career desires, or hold them back. It is also possible on the very negative that the Pluto person can somehow destroy or harm the house person's reputation and our public image and Career.

This is a great place for an actor and his agent, or business manager, even recruiter or headhunter they will work very hard for you.

In a love relationship, you can expect the strong support of the Pluto person or disagreements and control.

Pluto in your partner's 11th house

The Pluto person may try to control who the house person has as friends or have strong opinions about them. The house person will provide a safe place for the Pluto person to be authentic to themselves, and will be supportive of the Pluto person's hopes and wishes. This usually indicates a powerful friendship to where the both of you enjoy socializing together and participating in group activities. The Pluto person may try to get the house person involved in some cause, or group association.

Neptune in your Partners 1st house: Your so dreamy

The Neptune person will be very sensitive to the feelings of the house person, which may lead to confusion and misunderstandings. On one hand, you are both likely to have a surreal interaction, where the house person may appear as the ideal or dream to the Neptune person. The Neptune person may also appear this way to the house person. There is a possibility of deception since you both won't see each other clearly. There is a concern of over-idealization taking place rather than seeing each other as you are. This placement can cause some strange confusions to permeate the relationship. It is important that you both pay attention closely and ask many questions for clarity to not make assumptions, but do not pass them by as well. On the positive you will both gloss over problems for the sake of peace with each other, and you will have a very deep physical connection bordering on the ethereal. You may not know where you begin and the other ends. The Neptune person needs to be careful to not overdo it or make excuses for things that otherwise they wouldn't. The house person is likely to bring out the compassionate side of the Neptune person and may be tempted to take advantage. If both people are mature in their interaction this can be a highly romantic placement where the attraction to each other never fades because you see each other in a glamorous light.

apr 15 2017 ∞
apr 15 2017 +