Hoseok is a yoga instructor, and Seokjin is in pain.

Prompt: It’s blazing hot in Seoul and Hoseok’s only reprieve is his daily trip to the ice cream shop after work for whatever tickles his fancy at the moment. The cute guy behind the counter has nothing to do with it, of course.

It starts on a whim, of sorts. More like a weary happenstance, actually, but whim sounds much more romantic and Seokjin prefers to color his stories in rose and gold. So it starts on a whim.

Eleven years ago (you know, back in college - the golden years of desperate loneliness and constant stress and neither attachments nor company) Jeong Hoseok would never have even dreamed of what his life was like now. (And if he had it probably would have been a nightmare, because kids are jerks and don't know what happiness looks like.)

Eleven years ago he hadn't met Seokjin yet. Jimin hadn't been around. Taehyung hadn't shown up. Jeongguk hadn't dropped from the sky and into his lap.

Eleven years ago he'd been some other, infinitely unhappy person. Today he's himself, and he's happy. It's just the way things are now.

hoseok keeps catching seokjin at his worst

Seokjin and Hoseok share not-really-but-kinda smoke breaks on the roof of the hospital, when the world is too much.

Christmas year four, and Hoseok and Seokjin are still playing pretend. Hoseok takes a stab at doing things differently.

Seokjin didn't ask for any of this. Not for his estranged son Taehyung to suddenly move in and turn Seokjin's orderly life upside down. Certainly not for said son to come with a mentor and dance instructor in the form of the impossibly sunny, annoyingly attractive Jeong Hoseok. Fortunately, the universe doesn't seem to be paying much attention to what Seokjin does and does not ask for.

seokjin dislikes flying because he never knows what kind of freak will end up sitting beside him. hoseok dislikes flying because he's lowkey terrified of heights and speed.

this one flight might help them change their minds.

it’s a game. a stupid, silly, ridiculous game that got a little bit out of hand, and now Hoseok is getting turned on.

alternatively, the one where Seokjin and Hoseok, token straight friends, get pulled along to a gay club and to avoid getting hit on by other guys, they pretend to be dating each other. (no homo, though).

nov 26 2017 ∞
jul 13 2019 +