“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t look good on you. Jeonggukie is an innocent baby.” Hoseok’s smile widens. Jimin jabs a finger into his chest. “You stay away from him, hyung.”

“He’s so cute, though,” Hoseok whines, and he’s grinning now. “Jimin, you know I can’t resist it when they’re cute.”


hoseok likes cute boys, and jeongguk is very cute. jimin probably never should have introduced them.

namjoon props his feet up on their coffee table, much to hoseok’s dismay. “do something about it. i can only handle so many more neighborhood barbecues where i have to witness you giving a hotdog a fellatio to (not-so-subtly) convey to him that you have a weak gag reflex.”

(or: hoseok moves into a new neighborhood, meets his questionable neighbors, and rekindles an old love.)

dis•place•ment: an unconscious defense mechanism wherein an individual redirects a negative emotion from one situation, one person, or oneself and to another, less threatening target.

Jungkook’s going to say that he wasn’t scared, but he literally screamed and was about to throw down with a pan so he says instead, “How’d you get in, anyway?”

“Door was unlocked. Didn’t think anyone was home. Be glad I’m not an actual creep.”

And then this amazing thing happens.

It’s small and simple, quick as can be, but it leaves Jungkook stupefied, mind melting, like he’s lost on a wave.

Jung Hoseok winks at him.

Oh, no.

(Or: Jungkook falls in love easily, Hoseok doesn't open up easily, and somehow they manage to meet in the middle.)

aug 28 2018 ∞
jan 22 2019 +